Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (Dagobah)
Sorry I haven't had a new part up in awhile. For Christmas and New Year's I was at revrezner's house and when I got back I didn't have time to play (I was keeping up with tv shows). So I was really excited to get back to the game today.

So let's get started!
At the end of the last part Starkiller was headed to Dagobah and he arrives there at the start of this one.

One thing that was irritating to start off with, but I didn't mind so much as time went on, was the fact that you can't use your Force Powers OR lightsabers at any time during this level.

Okay, that's partly not true as around half way through you're able to control enemy minds so that they attack each other. That's useful since you have no real means to attack any other way in the level.

On one hand I like getting a new Force Power but on the other hand Force Lightning is my baby.

The atmosphere on this level is just lovely to behold. In place of fighting the level decides to try and freak you out.

You are going through the cave that Luke Skywalker entered in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back so, of course, it's going to be scary and really the only reason that you don't have Force Powers the majority of the time (though I still wonder why not before you enter the cave and the game's reason seems to be that Starkiller doesn't think it'd be a good idea). And I think things that happen in the cave are symbolic.
As I haven't checked the facts before writing this, these are my own personal opinions so take them with a grain of salt: Starkiller runs into a dark version of himself that he first sees behind a crystal wall. I think that is meant to represent that he feels the Dark Side in himself and maybe that the original Starkiller (if this game's protagonist is a clone) would've been consumed by the Dark Side if he had lived.

You later on see many Dark Starkillers which shows that Starkiller just thinks he's one of a large group of clones. And that, to me, was the spookiest damn scene in the level.

Of course there is Juno that represents, of course, the fact that Starkiller loves her. Even if he doesn't believe he's the REAL Starkiller.

Finally there's Darth Vader whom Starkiller fears for very obvious reasons. Such as he's the Sith Lord that 'created' Starkiller and is a danger to Juno.
There are these other creatures but I just think that they are there to make the atmosphere even more spooky.

The only real 'challenge' this level had was a jumping section. I so wish I could edit videos right now since I had some good jabs. I loathe jumping but this part was fairly easy minus the fact that there are some things that will crumble and you'll die if you jump on. Figuring out what to jump on is fairly easy.

In this part Dark Starkiller is separated from you by a crystal wall. Watching him might provide help, but I didn't pay any great amount of attention to him and I survived.

Now for the story part:

Starkiller arrives on Dagobah and is spooked so much that he decides not to use his Force Powers or lightsabers in fear that whatever he senses means to do him harm if it feels threatened.

He quickly runs across Yoda who is his usual mystic and non-helpful self. I really wish there was some humor to his scene but that isn't the case.

Starkiller goes inside the cave and, after encountering different horrors, he sees a powerful vision of the future. In it he sees Juno in danger of dying.

After that he goes and picks up Kota and they join the rebel fleet. Kota informs Starkiller about how the Rebels have acted after his death. It seems that Juno is the real force behind the movement as she is looking for any victory, even if it is just symbolic, to make the troops feel better.

Starkiller informs Kota that Kimono is a good place to attack by providing the Jedi Master with files.

Kota says both that he hasn't told Juno about Starkiller and that he doesn't think it matters if Starkiller is a clone or not.

Before the conversation can continue, there is an attack on the rebel fleet.
All of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

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