Thursday, January 16, 2014

Supernatural "Road Trip" Review

I'm getting into writing these reviews instead of filming them. Don't worry, though, I will still film vlog reviews. For the one or two of you that give a damn.

In this episode we pick up soon after Kevin Tran died.

Throughout the episode Dean questions himself. At the start he is angry and starts throwing around objects. By the end of the episode he decides he has to go away from other people or else he'll hurt those he cares about.

I adore the moments between Sam and Dean that show the brothers do care about each other. Not just a normal caring, but something deeper. Something more. Dean doesn't usually question the fact that to kill a demon or angel you usually have to kill the vessel/meatsuit. But when that vessel is Dean's brother, he suddenly gets concerned.

I also think this episode had some of the best Destiel moments that I have seen in awhile. A bunch of those moments were just how the pair looked at each other aka how they showed their concern and appreciation for each other with just glances at times. That Castiel is well aware that Sam will always come first, but that Dean appreciates him nonetheless.

The part where Cas, Dean, and Crowley are around Sam to try and figure the angel out was hard for me to watch. I don't want to imagine what things my face did that I couldn't see during that scene.

Crowley proved himself to be more than a one note villain. He seemed to care about Sam, though that might have been merely to get himself in the good graces of the Winchesters for whatever reason. He also seemed concerned for Kevin, but that might have been because he had some plan for the prophet.

A scary thing that was revealed in this episode was that Metatron has killed all the prophets. HOLY SHIT!

The only really stupid thing that happened this episode was when the demon Crowley had spoken to earlier basically reveals her allegiance later to Abaddon. That line was just plain awkward.

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