Sunday, January 12, 2014

Subeta and Other Site Updates

I play a site called Subeta and I have been doing so for around seven years now. It has enough to attract me and pull me back when I haven't gone on the site for awhile. Since I have been with the site for so long I am used to encountering problems on the site.

There was a big thing a few years back in which items were lost and the site was down for a little bit. In times like those there are fellow Subetans to help figure things out. To figure out what the problem is and if it is just you. And with Facebook and Twitter there are ways for the staff to announce updates while the site is down.

So when I couldn't log on yesterday it was annoying, but nothing new. However, I did encounter a problem that annoys me on other sites.

That is the lack of updates.

Whenever I find a problem I like to see if it is just me or if I'm the odd one out. If I'm the odd one out I try to figure things out on my own. It's very useful if the staff has alerted users to this problem saying not to panic and that they're taking care of it.

It's highly annoying when I have to spend forever just to find someone saying that they're encountering the same problem. And then staff doesn't respond and so all I see is that people are having a problem with no fix in sight.

If you're wondering, when I was able to get on Subeta today I found a board about my problem. It was no use to me yesterday since I couldn't find it (you can view the boards when you aren't signed in to the site).

This isn't a problem just Subeta has, but a lot of sites I've been on in the past: I need to know something and then current information on a problem is damn near impossible to find.

I really wish sites would update their members on current problems better.
My aStore

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