Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Animorphs Re-Read: #4 The Message (Chapters 17-20)

Chapter 17
Cassie tells the others to get a big breath as they will be diving really deep. As Cassie dives she remarks that even though dolphins live in the ocean they need air like humans. It shows a connection between human and other animals. It's really no surprise that Cassie would make that connection.

As Rachel feels she needs to go up for air, they finally see the Andalite ship.

Now one thing that is bothersome in both fantasy and sci-fi is what's considered normal and what's considered weird. Sometimes the difference just feels really random. When Cassie sees the ship she considers it more 'mind-boggling' than anything she has yet encountered.

Why this doesn't annoy me that much is because at least she acknowledges her thinking this doesn't make sense.
As everyone in the group looks at the dome they remark on how otherwordly it is. Cassie, who is the only one among those present that had the visions and talked with the whale, says that she didn't expect to see this.

The group swims around while looking for a way to enter. They find a way to enter but they don't have enough time to enter one by one to check if it's safe. So they all enter at once.

They then open the door to the main part of the ship and...Ax attacks them!
Though all they say is that there is a bright light and then they were unconscious. But everyone who has read this book knows it's AX!

Chapter 18
Cassie wakes up and when she rolls over an Andalite threatens her. It seems that the Andalite just stunned them to see what they were.

It's always strange to hear descriptions of Andalites that amounts to "they seems harmless until you see their tail blade". From what it seems: If I didn't know what an Andalite was I'd be freaked out by the entire body.
Marco wakes up and comes up with a joke. Ax doesn't like it because it mentioned Visser Three. I don't think at this time Ax knows that the Visser ate his brother alive. So the fact that Ax nearly kills Marco for just saying 'Visser Three' shows he is a loyal Andalite cadet (and it isn't until #8 that Ax starts really trusting the group, though that doesn't mean his confusion where his loyalties lie is resolved then).

When Cassie mentions that she heard his call, Ax is confused. VERY confused.

The thing is the message Ax sent out was to only be heard by Andalites (which he refers to as cousins) and it is strange to him that a human would receive it. I like how Cassie admits she has no idea why she got the message which echoes my sentiments exactly.

Cassie quickly tells Ax that the gang knows of Andalites because of Prince Elfangor who died soon after they met him. Ax's reaction is a perfect representation of how a good sibling should react when the other has died. Ax says how great Elfangor is and how no one could ever kill him.
It's family moments like these that get to me. Me and my family aren't really Ax/Elfangor close.

Now knowing what I do from #8 The Alien I see Ax's reaction of finding out Visser Three killed his brother as both being sad over the news and knowing, by Andalite traditions, that it is now his duty to kill him. I'll talk about that more when I cover #8, trust me on that one.

Cassie says that they fight the Yeerks with the ability to morph that Elfangor gave them. Ax is, of course, surprised to say the least.

Ax realizes that the situation has to have been dire if Elfangor gave a group of humans the ability to morph. Marco tells Ax that the Yeerks are close to finding him which makes me wonder how much Ax knows. If Ax was calling out to other Andalites he would have to have known Visser Three would hear it since Visser Three is in charge of the Yeerk Invasion of Earth.

Ax says the group needs time to rest from their morph since morphing takes energy. Which the tv show likes to forget.
Ax talks about what part of the ship they're standing on which we learned about in The Andalite Chronicles (which I covered previously in the Re-Read).

Through dialogue it is revealed that Ax is a kid, a teenager like the other Animorphs, and that he is the last one left on Earth. He is in the Dome because he was too young to fight (though I think it's really because Elfangor didn't want Ax to die that day). It does seem Ax knows Visser Three could hear the message since he sent it out as a last resort.

Cassie feels let down that the Andalite is a kid just like them. They wanted and needed someone older who could tell them what to do. Who knew what needed to be done.

Cassie says that they are too young to fight by their laws and Ax remarks that they still fight. Cassie says that they don't have a choice in the matter (David would say otherwise but I'll talk about him when we get to that part of the series).

Everyone finds out everyone's name and it is here that Ax's full name is given (Aximili-Esgarrouth-lsthil) and Marco gives Ax his nickname which is Ax. People have remarked that Marco brands the Animorphs and that is very true just in the first four books alone.

And it is here. That glorious moment. Breathe it in folks:


Chapter 19
Ax is taking time to tell the group Andalite words for things. As has been pointed out to me: why would a telepathic race have a language like Andalites do? The only answer I heard that makes sense is that Applegate wanted Andalites to seem even more alien.

While Andalite words are weird, for lack of a better word I can't think of at the moment, the many words the Andalites use for things mimics what I have heard of other languages. Giving Andalite language a sort of mystic feel.

The clash of human and Andalite society is shown when Marco and Ax can't seem to understand each other's thoughts.

Jake points out that being in the Dome is like being on the Andalite home world. Ax agrees and says Andalites like to do that since it angers the Yeerks. I can sort of see why the Yeerks hate the Andalites so much...

Ax starts to go on how the Yeerks destroy all life on conquered planets that aren't needed to keep their hosts alive. Well at least we know that dogs and cats won't be going anywhere since humans can't seem to function without them.
Ax goes on about how Yeerks are a plague. While I do admit Yeerks aren't perfect, we find out that the species isn't all evil. That while the Yeerk Empire is evil, the members aren't all like Visser Three. However, Ax has been brought up to think of Yeerks as all evil since he was young so he can't be blamed.

As for real world war training: making troops think the enemy are evil makes fighting easier. I swear, Marty, if you reply with a wise-ass comment I will kick  your ass.
Some Andalite pride shines when Ax states that ONLY the Andalites can stop the Yeerks.

Ax says that the Andalites should arrive in one to two years. Jake is overwhelmed with this news and I don't blame him. He is just a kid and his need of an Andalite Prince had been dashed right before Ax dashes his hope of the fighting ending quickly.

Rachel demands to be told why the Yeerks could get so powerful when the almighty Andalites are there to stop them and Seerow's Kindness rears its ugly ass head.

For those unaware: Seerow's Kindness is an Andalite Law that basically states that Andalites can't tell other species certain things. Especially technology. The law is named after Prince Seerow who, through his pity of the Yeerks, unleashed the terror known as the Yeerks on the galaxy.

Don't worry, I'll talk more about Prince Seerow later on in the series.
So when Ax refuses to answer Rachel gets pissed and Cassie has to play peacemaker.

After that tense moment they decide to head back with the newest Animorph member: Ax.

Chapter 20
Marco, as I've said so many times before, is the member of the group that seems to always be thinking ahead of everyone else so that they don't do something really stupid. At the beginning of this chapter he makes sure that Ax has a way to survive for awhile underwater.

Ax replies that he has acquired an animal from the area in case he needed to escape. Before Cassie can finish asking what kind of animal, she sees that there's a ship above them. Jake then orders the group to leave.

Marco, with knowledge he gained from seeing The Hunt for Red October, tells the group that the sound they're hearing is the Controllers using sonar to find the Andalite ship.

As the group gets into the hatch they morph. Cassie remarks that Ax morphing is weirder than normal since he's an alien.

While the Yeerks begin their attack, the group notices that Ax morphed a shark. Marco compliments him and Cassie has to explain that sharks attack dolphins. I like how Ax is interested in learning about Earth, even if it's something he has to do regardless of his interests.
Ax is reassured that the Yeerks won't be able to come after them with only human and Hork-Bajir hosts. However, he seems to get worried when Jake mentions Taxxon Controllers.

Soon after Taxxons are brought up Visser Three's Blade ship appears and some Taxxon Controllers jump out. Marco announces his shock that Taxxons can swim to the group. What's more horrifying than that they can swim is that they can swim really fast.

Ax asks if sharks can fight and when Cassie answer yes and then the Andalite suggests attacking the Taxxons. What is a little disturbing about this is that Cassie, the pacifist, is a little excited for the fight.
And Jake starts up with "Don't call me Prince" before agreeing to kick Yeerk butt!
 Animorphs Re-Read Table of Contents

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