Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Walking Dead "After" Review

After the mid-season finale I was more than ready for the next episode of this amazing series. Well...after days of recovering from Hershel's death because that was one of the most painful things I have seen on tv recently. I mean...what the bloody fuck!

We get to see what has happened since the shit hit the fan last episode.

One part revrezner had to make sure I was doing okay with. Since I loathe spoilers he was stuck in a tough place of how much he could warn me about. The part was where you see Hershel's head and Michonne stabs it was the moment he was worried that I would have problems dealing with (I went into a little breakdown when Hershel died).

But I did write a post on Hershel's death and so watched him dying a few times before viewing last night's episode and I think that's why I didn't have another breakdown.

Carl was more than annoying last night. I know that he's supposed to be a child, but he's just so damn annoying. I don't like kids in fiction for the most part and Carl didn't change my mind. He was just too damn cocky and didn't manage to provide me any amusement.

Michonne really took center stage this episode. We get more of an inside look into her head and how she's dealing with things. We get to see that all she wants to do is shutdown from the world and ends up deciding to go to the two Grimes at the end. Making this one of the very few episodes with a happy ending.

I will say that Carl and Michonne's stories parallel each other with them both figuring out their place. Carl goes all child-like through his debate and Michonne handles it like a troubled adult.


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