Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: Enslaved 4

The sunset's lovely colors poured over the forest as I headed back. The afternoon spent with Sajoki had been a lovely one. One with no fear of someone sneaking up on us because I was supposed to be out hunting alone. The dead wolf in my hand was the only proof to show that I had been out hunting.

Walking into camp I was greeted by an unhappy and stinking Tamui. "Rig," He said. "You've been out awhile and you come back with only a wolf. You are usually more cunning and clever than that." Tamui took the wolf from me and threw it down.

"Hunting wasn't good today." I replied. "It happens. I am an obake and am not all powerful."

At this moment Sajoki came in and looked at the scene. "I've been looking for you, Tamui." She said.

"I've been here all along." Tamui said. "Now that I think of it, I haven't seen you at camp all afternoon."

Sajoki looked nervous and I calmed myself down knowing that there was always a way out of this type of situation. Sajoki and I had gotten out of awkward situations similar to this before. Tamui looked at her with an angry look in his eyes that a demon would be afraid of.

"You've been having fun with him, haven't you?" Tamui hissed as he started to circle around Sajoki. This was a new move for him. "He is a newborn of his species and you've been enticing him. You've been ruining my servant!" He slapped her face and she looked at him in shock. "There is an easy way to get rid of this problem. I should've guessed before what you were doing. Should've known that Rig isn't normally as happy as he has been since you've been sleeping with him. I'll just kill you so that I may have my servant back."

I knew a way to solve this: to tell Tamui that I had not fallen for Sajoki's beauty but that I had been happier because it was my duty to look out for her. And that I had been staying away longer so that the temptation of her sweet flesh wouldn't overcome me.

I opened my mouth and she said, "No, Tamui, Rig forced himself on me and I couldn't refuse." She started to cry and fell into his arms. Tamui looked relieved. "I was afraid that Rig would kill me if I didn't continue to serve him."

Suddenly I felt a confused swarm of emotions in me. I felt betrayal at the fact that Sajoki didn't love me when I loved her. I loved her face, her taste, and the sound of her voice but I meant nothing to her. I felt anger and hatred at the fact that Tamui would take her and that she would live a peaceful life.

I turned my gaze to Sajoki and Tamui and made my decision.

Tamui looked at me and asked, "Is this true, Rig? Is it true that you have taken advantage of my future wife?"

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