Monday, March 14, 2011

Predators (2010)

My favorite line that my Dad kept saying over and over again: Why did [the Predators] send a doctor?

Title: Predators

Director: Nimrod Antal

Starring: Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, and Topher Grace

Rated: R

Released: 2010

Rating: 4.5/5

Basic Plot: A group of people are dropped off on an alien planet and hunted by the species referred to as Predators.

Introduction of Characters/Title
This movie had one of the best character introductions I have seen in a good while. It starts with Adrien Brody falling out of the sky, landing, and then BOOM title. I am so sick and tired of seeing titles at the end of movies. Really, what's the point in that? When the characters are introduced the movie manages to show each one while not breaking the tension of the movie. Each character is introduced in his or her own way.

Good Jumping Off Point
Predators sort of played it safe. Like the first movie, Predator (which I have only seen the second half of), there is a jungle setting. You might think that since I said it's on an alien planet it would be really different, right? Nope. There are a few odd things in the jungle but not too much. So it's the same basic setting plus being chased by multiple Predators. So same setting and an increase in enemies. Hopefully this is a good jumping off point to continue the series. Because I am all on board for that.

Sword Fight With a Predator
This actually sounds fun and stupid at the same time. Come on, Mr. Predator, you have some big guns, I don't think you need to sword fight. But, also, the Predators are a warrior culture and so it might've decided taking on a weak human would be easy. Boy, was that Predator wrong. Both Predator and human showed their skill and it was very entertaining, and satisfying, to watch.

Why A Doctor?
Let me tell you something: 1 + 3 does not equal 2. You can't fit a square piece inside a circular hole. If you're sending killers to a planet the guy saying he's just a doctor is lying. I did hear this particular spoiler before I saw the movie so it helped some. But the fact of the matter is that it's still pretty damn obvious. Predators aren't stupid so when you know the reason the people are in the hunting preserve, you know they're not innocent at all. Some characters might be likable, but they're not good. The guy claiming he is a doctor is really a murderer. That being said, I still really enjoyed that character.

Two Types of Predators
What I will say next will prove I am a nerd. I knew, before this movie, that there was more than one type of Predator. So when it's mentioned in the movie I was like: I know that. Good reference.

Final Thoughts
This movie is great if you want a movie where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the gore/excitement. If you're looking for the next Citizen Kane, this isn't it. But, come on, anyone expecting Citizen Kane from this movie is expecting too much. All it is is a bunch of confused people having to deal with staying alive. And, looking at the movie like that, it is very enjoyable. The ending made me want to see what happens next. The only problem at the end is the shot of Adrian Brody speaking to the camera and turning around when he's done. If you are a fan of science fiction and like action, this is a movie you should check out.

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