Friday, March 25, 2011

The Green: First Attack 2

The bus trip was long and boring. What made it especially hard to bear was the fact that nothing interesting was happening. For the first hour or two I listened in on conversations, but that only held my interest for so long. Mostly they talked about television shows that I had never heard about. Finally we arrived in a town called Nuscon.

Stepping off the bus, I started to walk around to find a place to stay. There were many small little shops selling items that advertised the place. These must be for what the scientists had called tourists. While looking at a t-shirt through the window, I heard some footsteps. I didn't pay them any mind because there were a lot of people walking by me.

"You new here?" A voice said and I turned around. The man was taller than any of the scientists and looked like a 'tough guy'. He was wearing clothing that called attention to his muscles. If he decided to attack me I might be in trouble.

"Yes," I replied. "I am Matthias, I just arrived here."

"Poor you." The man replied. "My name is Thomas Savan. I've lived here forever. Well, I only moved here when I left my parents." Parents. I didn't remember my parents. I did, a little, but when I thought of my father I always saw someone that looked remarkably like Makija.

My stomach growled and Thomas looked at me. "Want to go for a beer?" He asked me. I had never had alcohol before because the scientists didn't want anything to distract me.

"Sure." I replied and Thomas started walking me to what I assumed would be a bar.

We drank, talked, and ate at the bar. Thomas seemed to be unstable but grew on me the more I drank.

"So, do you have a place to stay?" Thomas asked.

"No." I said and smiled wildly. "I'm on the road with no home."

"Why don't you stay with me? You can stay in my garage."

"You just met me." I said and laughed.

"You're amusing and you have good stories. Though they all have to do with scientists. You like scientists?"

"I'm familiar with them." I replied. I couldn't say more since something kept me from saying the names of the scientists and anything specific about the lab.

"Let's go. I think I spent enough already." Thomas said, seeming to ignore my disdain for the scientists.

* * *

"Another pancake?" Thomas asked.

"Yes." I said and Thomas gave me another pancake. I liked the pancakes, though it was weird seeing Thomas do any form of cooking. But, then again, he did live by himself.

"How do you like this place after two weeks of living here?" He asked me and sat down.

"Nuscon is a good place to be."

Thomas shook his head. "You must not have been many places then."

"No, I haven't." I replied truthfully. "So when do you want me to leave?"

"I think I can support you living here a couple of months if you can't find another place." Thomas said.

After I finished my final pancake, I went to the garage and took out the Gralg ad. It appeared to be a fake drug. So why did it interest me?

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