Thursday, August 14, 2014

Animorphs Re-Read: #7 The Stranger (Chapters 1-4)

Chapter 1
This book is narrated by Rachel.

The book begins by Rachel stating that she can't tell the reader any solid information about herself. This is because the Yeerks are out there. Then she goes on to talk about the Yeerks. She then talks about the Animorphs which segues into the present.

In the present moment Rachel is at the circus asking Cassie to join her in on one of her schemes. Cassie doesn't seem to like this.

We get to find out about Rachel's family. Her mom and dad are divorced so her dad has weekends where he does things with his daughters. Sometimes he does something with only Rachel.

Tonight Rachel's dad has taken her and her siblings to the circus. Rachel decided to bring Cassie along because Xena doesn't like the circus. She says it's because she's too old. I don't think I'd like the circus merely because I have a huge fear of clowns. Yeah, even Ronald McDonald makes me pee my pants.

Rachel talks about how her and her dad are similar. She talks about how she wants to tell her dad about her life as an Animorph because she thinks he would be proud of her. But she can't because anyone could be a Controller.
As Rachel and Cassie walk towards the elephants, Rachel remarks how she has a special connection with elephants. I'm laughing because her battle morph is an elephant. Her special connection with elephants is that she kicks Yeerk butt with an elephant morph.

Rachel recounts how she had seen the trainer use a cattle prod on his elephants and so she wants revenge on the man.

Cassie tries to persuade her to not do the plan but Rachel says that she is going to do this no matter what. Cassie is able to convince Rachel not to harm the guy, though. Rachel moves into the pen and makes sure not to startle the elephants.

Rachel then starts to morph elephant.

Chapter 2
As Rachel morphs elephant she thinks that people would never call her pretty if they saw her morphing. Morphing is always described as this disgusting process. The only person to make morphing look good most of the time is Cassie and even she has some morphs she can't make look good.

Rachel doesn't try to hide in the midst of the elephants as she can't really hide at the moment. Though I would've loved for there to be a part where Rachel awkwardly tried to hide and then just gave up.

When the time comes, Rachel rushes out and grabs the trainer with her trunk. Josep Something's response is to yell that Rachel isn't one of his elephants. Yes, Josep, just yell at the creature you don't think is capable of thought. Yes, Josep, that will really help your situation out.
Rachel then lifts Josep up to her eye level. When Josep first hears Rachel's thought-speak he has a very normal reaction. At first he thinks he's going crazy because he's hearing voices. After Rachel tells him she's from the 'International Elephant Police' he asks if it's some kind of prank.

I can understand him suddenly going to this, but still...thought-speak doesn't sound normal. Why would he think it was a prank?

Rachel starts to go into detail about what she wants Josep to stop doing. After a short time Josep agrees, though he does need some convincing. Rachel's final act to the man is to throw him onto a tent twenty feet away.
After that Cassie asks if they can go home now.

Chapter 3
The chapter begins with Rachel being berated for her actions in the previous chapter. This makes sense as using the morphing ability like that is just plain stupid. She defends herself by saying the reason it was okay to throw Josep Something was that he made her mad.
It is the next day after school and all five human Animorphs (one being trapped in red-tailed hawk morph) are walking through the woods. It turns out that the fact that Cassie was with Rachel the other night is hidden. This is because Cassie doesn't want Jake to be mad at her since they're sort of a couple. Well they're not really a couple but everyone knows they're a couple.

Marco reminds Rachel that the Andalite didn't give them their morphing power to use on stuff like Rachel had just done. She wonders why Marco is acting so serious and he replies to wait until they meet up with Ax so he only has to say the story once.

This gets Rachel excited and she talks about how she likes danger but is smart about it. She likes fighting the Yeerks because it's something important. She then recounts about them meeting Elfangor and getting their powers.

She goes over everyone in the group who was at the abandoned construction site that night. She talks about what makes Jake a good leader, how Marco is good for the team plus he's not been as reluctant as before, about Cassie's love for animals, and everything gets super happy when she starts to talk about Tobias.

Rachel talks about how sweet Tobias used to be before he was trapped in morph. But she still sees him like he was before even though he's been trapped as a hawk for awhile. Aw! The Rachias feels are overpowering me!
Ax then shows up and Rachel recounts who he is. How he is the only surviving Andalite of the battle that Elfangor crashed from in the beginning of the series. She also says he is Elfangor's brother. Rachel then goes on to describe how an Andalite looks.

Yeah, Marco, ask your boyfriend if everything is going alright. I do ship everything and everyone. Lord help me!

Ax assures Rachel that he was not injured by a cougar attack and then tells Cassie that he did not fatally injure the animal. You are too cute, Ax!

Marco makes a joke that Ax and Rachel belong together. That they should get married. Rachel is nervous because she doesn't think of Ax that way. Yeah, all of you little children have a crush on the Ax-Man. We all know it. He's irresistible.
Once everyone is together Marco announces that he and Tobias have some news. Are you two getting married? have a huge shipping problem. Moving on...

Marco announces dramatically that he and Birdboy have found an entrance to the Yeerk pool.

Chapter 4
Rachel asks where the entrance is and how Marco and Tobias found it. She also remembers their first outing at the Yeerk pool. It's a far from pleasant memory for any of them. But at least we got to see Tom fight back!

Marco restates what we already know about the Yeerk pool and Ax adds that the Yeerk pool is the center of the Yeerks' lives.

Tobias and Marco have been following Chapman for a week. When Chapman enters a building, Marco follows him since a red-tailed hawk would be noticeable. Rachel is angry about this and says something while Jake looks angry.

Oh, Xena, you jealous?
Er...I mean the reason is totally that the duo was giving Jake a break after the whole incident with Temrash last book. Rachel then calms down once she realizes this. She asks again where the Yeerk pool entrance is.

Controllers enter through the changing room in the Gap and leave via the movie theater. Marco makes a joke about the Yeerks being on top of popular American culture.

When Jake asks what the group thinks they should do, Ax jumps in with the suggestion of attacking. A few of the other Animorphs point out why that isn't exactly the smartest of ideas. Ax then chimes in with a saying about how they should because honor, but he doesn't sound as enthusiastic as before.

Rachel says that attacking the Yeerk pool is out and then asks Ax about the Kandrona. He talks about how it emits Kandrona rays like the Yeerk's sun does and that's why the Yeerks need to go to the Yeerk pool every three days. They need Kandrona rays to live.

Rachel then suggests sneaking into the Yeerk pool to find the Kandrona, but Ax points out that the Kandrona probably won't be there. Marco is glad that Rachel is seeming more like herself since she was sounding too sensible before.

Ax says he doesn't know how big the Kandrona will be and then suggest it could be as big as a car. Marco makes a joke about how they could crash a car. Marco, you can do that all on your own. You and your hatred of trash cans.
Ax also says that if they destroy the Kandrona it won't wipe the Yeerks out and wouldn't hurt them much if a backup Kandrona is on the mother ship. The group is sad that it wouldn't be a big blow. Remember, they're teenagers and just want the war to end so they can go back to being normal teens.

Ax goes on to say that it would be impractical for the Controllers to be shuttled to the mother ship. Rachel deduces that Visser Three wouldn't bother with the unimportant Controllers since he is ruthless. Ax then states that Rachel is correct and that it would be a serious blow to the Yeerks.

As Cassie says they'll need to find the Kandrona, Rachel realizes that they'll be going back to the Yeerk pool. The first mission they ever did. A Hell to experience. She doesn't say anything, though, which probably makes her look a little braver than the rest.

Everyone except Ax is afraid. Ax says that they appear to be afraid and that is scaring him. Rachel tells him it's good that he's scared and that the Yeerk pool is nothing like Heaven.
Animorphs Re-Read

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