Sunday, August 31, 2014

Why 'A' Should be a Liar

Pretty Little Liars was the first show I started watching after Terminator: The Sarah Chronicles was cancelled. When the Terminator show was cancelled I started hating every show that was still on air. Yeah...I had a little bit of an obsession there.

But I got drawn into the town of Rosewood and haven't been able to stop watching since the first season. The show's big mystery is who 'A' is. 'A' is the person(s) harassing the Liars (aka Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria).

I am one of those people that think it would be beyond awesome if one of the Liars turned out to be 'A'. Here are a few reason why I think this would work out:

1.) It would be a great sense of betrayal. Throughout the show the Liars have leaned on and trusted each other. And if it's revealed that one of their own has been against them this entire time? Just plain awesomeness!

2.) It would give the show a nice touch of darkness. Yeah, having one of the Liars' friends be 'A' is one thing, but there is nothing like learning that your closet friend is the one that was after you the entire time. There is just a whole new level of twisted with that.

What do I think about each Liar turning out to be 'A'?

I don't know if she's the one that is most likely to be 'A' or the one I'd like the most. Her plots so far haven't been as engaging as the other Liars'. So her turning out to be 'A' would explain this. And it would give the character a lovely boost on the interesting meter.

I admit I want her to be 'A' just because of a fan theory I read. Basically she just pretends to be dumb so the twist of her being so smart as to successfully manipulate the Liars would be beyond great. It would show how smart Hanna really is. Plus Hanna having a beef against Mona would explain part of the reason that Mona was killed.

She is the Liar I think least likely to turn out to be 'A'. She just doesn't seem to have the right personality to be 'A'. However, this would make it the biggest twist if she turned out to be 'A' in the end.

This is the Liar I think would make the most sense to be 'A'. Out of all of them she is the smartest and seemed to figure out quickly that Alison wasn't a good friend once she seemed to return from the dead. Maybe Spencer figured Alison out before the show started and is trying to get back at her. Though I don't know why she would hurt the other Liars. Possibly she thinks of them as collateral damage?

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