Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey (E.L. James)

Title: Fifty Shades of Grey

Series: Fifty Shades Trilogy

Author: E.L. James

Released: 2011

Rating: 2.5/5

Basic Plot: A young, naive virgin falls in love with a troubled young man.

Better Than Twilight
This book makes some improvements on Twilight. And, no, it's not just because of the sex scenes. Reasons for the characters acting the way they do are explained. True, they are cliche/flimsy explanations but they are there. Jose/Jacob is dismissed early on. Christian/Edward had a hard childhood. Anastasia/Bella...well, she's naive and shit.

Two Good Scenes
To me there was only two good scenes. If the book followed those scenes for the rest of the 500 pages then it would've gotten a higher rating. The first sex scene filled me with nostalgia and the end break up scene was good. The end scene was well chosen as you'd want to see what happens next. It leaves things unresolved. This is very good when doing a series.

Why All the British Stuff
One of the most annoying things about this book was the tea and the old books. Calling one very sad and depressing book light reading? Everything Anna chooses (except for a few instances) are classic/British. Since I don't read much fanfiction, I only know from people saying that this is a sign of a Mary Sue. I don't get why liking stuff like this would make a better character. 'Cause, guess what, it doesn't in this novel.

Final Thoughts
There were somethings I didn't mention and that I might in the future (once I finish the trilogy). Such as it being banned in Florida libraries (for a short time) or how I feel about this being fanfiction originally. But those didn't have to do with the contents of this book. Let me just say that it's a fun read but don't take it seriously. Nor try to be like Anna or find a guy like Christian. In fiction their love can work, but it's unhealthy in real life.

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