Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: For Love 1

Location: Japan

The gardens were a lovely place. Some meditated, others fought, and there were a few remaining who made love here. Flowers from other parts of the world were here to give off their scents. There were birds that gave their songs while Yomosa and I walked.

None of the beauty got to us. This was due to the fact of what would happen in the near future.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Rig?" She asked softly. Yomosa, like myself, was frightened of Hijunaki. Even though the chances of him overhearing us being slim, we didn't want to take any chances.

I looked into her eyes and knew my decision was final. "You don't deserve to die." I replied. "You're strong."

"And you want me to die loving you." She said and I couldn't even move my mouth to smirk.

"We shouldn't delay my creator." I said to her. Yomosa nodded slowly.

We then took, what seemed like, the long path to Hijunaki's chambers. Opening the door I saw Hijunaki playing with some tree nymphs. They were from the land called Greece. Hijunaki had known a Greek God. That was how these exotic creatures had come to be here.

Once Yomosa and I entered, Hijunaki's focus was on us. He shivered with rage but was able to calm himself enough to talk. His first question was, "Why is the whore alive?"

"She is strong. And, since you have disowned her, I wish to claim her as my own." I replied. "There is no need to destroy such a strong human. Even better to have her on our side."

"And why do you think that she should be yours?" Hijunaki asked. "She has refused me, your creator, and yet you have the gall to take her? You have one more chance to kill her before you see the full side of my cruelty."

"How cruel are we talking?" I asked, my sarcasm finally getting the better of me.

"If you don't kill her now I will fight you to the death." He replied. "And I have never lost that kind of fight."

I felt fear course through me. Was Yomosa really worth my life? Katashi wouldn't have thought so. And I had been trying to follow his teachings. Turning to look at Yomosa's frightened face I made my decision.

"I agree to it." I said and time seemed to stand still.
Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki Blog aka Companion to Rig's World

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