Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Eternal Heart: Eyes Opened 6

I shot a Terminator in the head and there was sparks before it fell down. I kicked another one down and it screamed in pain. I had been doing this for what seemed like hours, and there was always metal around the corner.

I saw a metal hand coming towards me and twisted her arm off. It then tried to stab me with a knife before it died from a loss of blood. The metal men shot at me but I was stronger than anything Skynet could throw at me. How dare they try and harm my friends!

Skynet wouldn't fool me with any of its tricks. Never again would I work for it.
"Jash!" A voice yelled at me and I recognized it as Jesse's.

"Jesse!" I yelled at her and saw her point her rifle at me. Then I realized something terrible. It horrified me to my core. But it was the truth nonetheless. "I'm sorry."

With that I aimed at the metal bitch but was thwarted when it shot first.

"Arg!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I felt pain. "Fucking bitch!"

I then ran at it and managed to toss the gun easily aside. The metal bitch, formerly known as Jesse Flores, punched my head with no effect. I felt fear pour from it but I didn't care.

"You're just metal." I said to it. Not to threaten it, but to calm myself. "You called yourself friend but you're a traitor. How dare you fool Riley Dawson!"

"I could say the same thing about you." She hissed. The anger was so human, but I wouldn't let myself be fooled. It wouldn't do to be fooled by such a machine.

"I don't have time for this." I answered her and then twisted her neck. The sound was like bone, though it couldn't be.

"Jesse! No!" Riley's voice yelled. "You bitch! I trusted you!"

Then all went black.
The Eternal Heart Blog aka The Wars Against Skynet

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