Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: Shinto 5

Waiting for something to end is always the hardest part. Such as when I had been tortured after I had angered Akumie. Waiting for Hijunaki to finish with Yomosa was like that. But there was some other feeling, too.

I thought about it for awhile and finally agreed what it was. Jealousy. I hated that Hijunaki got Yomosa and not me. She was the peak of physical perfection and her bravery was remarkable. My jailer did not deserve such a wonder. Maybe he wouldn't like her and give the gem to me.

The sun set and rose before Hijunaki came back. I stood up in one of my non-shapes and bowed to him. I stood back up and looked at Hijunaki's angry face.

"Was there a problem, Hijunaki?" I asked him.

"Of course there was a problem!" Hijunaki yelled. "She was not submissive, nor did she obey my orders."

"How did you bed Yamaka?"

"I stole her as I did Yomosa." He replied. "She did offer her body to me upon our first night, unlike Yomosa."

I wondered why Hijunaki expected Yomosa to be submissive. He knew that she had fought back upon capture.

"What will you do with her now?" I asked.

"She has no use for me now!" He hissed. "Kill her and I will find a more suitable mate for myself."

With that he slithered away. Probably back to his chambers.

I walked to where Yomosa was. Upon reaching a special holding chamber in front of Hijunaki's chambers, I paused. She was a wonderful female human. She could fight and it was extremely saddening that she would be killed. By me. She would die hating me.

I entered the chambers and looked Yomosa in the eyes. My next thought was of how Yomosa would react to me capturing and then killing her.

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki Blog aka Companion to Rig's World

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