Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Green: Spreading 1

As was becoming normal for my routine with Plague, I was sipping my cup of tea. Plague was doing Sudoku while letting his tea cool. If I even tried to suggest something he would bring up my bad relationship with boredom. But this time it was different. George Hunder knew who I was. John Johnson.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to Plague and touched his shoulder. He looked up at me and his expression turned sour quickly.

"Matthias, we have to stay here." He told me firmly.

"But why?" I asked.

"I told you before, we don't have any leads."

"That's because you haven't helped me with looking." I said angrily.

"No, we haven't been given anything." Plague replied. "That means we haven't gotten any authorization."

I knew what would make him change his mind. Make him more of a rebel, in a sense. So I bent down and kissed him on the lips. Kissing had been difficult for me at first, but I had improved. When he pushed back I knew I had him. After a few minutes we pulled away.

Plague smiled and said, "You're growing up. You're using your attractiveness to open doors." He paused for a moment. "I must say it worked. I'll grant leeway if you get a good lead."

I kissed him again, but meant it. There was a difference in the second kiss. It felt natural.

Over the next few hours I surfed the web. Though it felt more like drowning in the web to me. There were no solid leads. Some people were noticing Gralg, but nothing that could be used.

Then, like the big bang, there was a lead. It was something out of nothing. But, that being said, Plague wouldn't buy it. The site was one formed by conspiracy theorists. They talked about something similar to Gralg, in some aspects, but completely different in others.

The biggest difference was that their Gralg was a bio-weapon made by the government. What was their Gralg supposed to do? To do what Gralg was doing: making 'rage zombies'. Or, in calmer terms, making people attack each other.

All in all, Plague wouldn't take any leads from this website. So I continued to search.
The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination

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