Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A Lost Gem 1

"I have a new job for you." Hijunaki hissed. His snake form echoing the hate he had felt for me ever since my torture. Well, he'd say it had merely been him reprimanding me for gaining Akumie's hatred. My body had not yet healed from the torture. I could function and look like I had healed, but I hadn't. With only three months passing I could barely get over the psychological trauma. Though many didn't think I was emotional enough to experience any type of trauma.

"What is it?" I asked and bowed deeply. I didn't want to anger Hijunaki more than my presence already had.

"One of my my human slave girls, Yamaka, has escaped." Hijuanki paused a moment. "You know what I want you to do?"

"Kill her for disobeying you?" I replied. "That's what you would do."

He hissed back at me and I tried not to show any fear on my face. Which was the one to my main male human form. And hiding fear from a snake that was hundreds of feet high was not easy.

"Not always." Hijunaki finally answered. "You are proof of that."

I nodded. "Then you want me to bring her back."

He nodded and a smile formed on his face. "Yes, and do so quickly."

"May I take a partner on this trip?" I asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't think of letting you go out on your own so soon." He replied and I was glad my offer had been part of his original plan. Now he would think I was more scared of him than I already was. "Who are you thinking of?"

"Jirou." I replied.

Hijunaki nodded. "You may take him with you. He is loyal, unlike you. Now go."

I bowed to Hijunaki and left quickly. I didn't like being sent out on a mission and having a partner, but at least I'd get out. Maybe I could gain his trust again. Or at least have him be less outwardly violent to me.

Since Jirou and I had been friends, or something similar, I knew where to find him. Knocking on his bedroom door I could only wait. I hoped he'd agree to join me, since I didn't want to go with someone that I wasn't as familiar with.

"Rig?" Jirou said after he opened the door. "I don't want to fence today."

"No, it's not about that." I said. "Hijunaki said I had to take a partner on a mission."

"So you chose me?" He asked and I nodded. "Give me a minute and I'll be ready."

He shut the door and I started to wait for that minute to be over.

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