Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Debt (2010)

Title: The Debt

Director: John Madden

Starring: Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson

Rated: R

Released: 2010

Rating: 2.5/5

Basic Plot: Years after lying about killing a Nazi, those that were supposed to kill them have to figure out what to do when the "dead" Nazi is going to tell his story to a journalist.

Boring as Paint Drying on a Wall
This worthless piece of shit is boring. Which is the worst thing that a movie can be. When I watch b-movies I am entertained, even though they are horribly produced and directed. So when a b-movie is easily better than this, it means something. It's a shame it is boring since it's about killing a Nazi. Really, how can you do that?

Telling the Truth
One of the issues this movie tries to deal with is how to dealing with a lie you've told for years. How it'll harm your daughter and other people you worked with. What ruined this message for me is how it's told. And, with a movie, you need to focus on how the message is told. If I don't care about the characters, I can't care about the message.

Use of Flashbacks
Flashbacks are a good tool. However, some of the uses of flashback in this movie were annoying to me. Some seemed to take off too much time. Such as when the doctor escapes. It could've been cut shorter since you see it again in full (in the truthful version) later in the movie. So I was wondering why my time was wasted.

Final Thoughts
This movie tries to be more than it ends up being. I knew from the previews I would want to tear my eyes out when I saw this movie. I only continued to watch because of Sam Worthington and the fact that I didn't want the movie to beat me. For anyone who wants a good Nazi killing/torturing movie, this isn't the one for you. As for a movie with a message that moves you, this isn't the one for you either.

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