Friday, April 3, 2015

Skye Accepting Herself

In the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "One Door Closes", Skye finally confronts her power. Instead of running away and trying to get rid of it, she accepts Gordon's (the Inhuman with no eyes) offer to teach her to use her power.

I can see why it has taken Skye awhile to come to terms with her own power. Nearly everyone around her is freaking out about it so she has no one to calm her down. She has no one to tell her that her powers are a good thing, that they aren't a curse. Fitz is the only one of her fellow agents that has seemed to truly accept her for who she is now, even going so far as to falsify data to make her DNA seem normal.

Calvin (Skye's Dad) and the Inhumans (if Gordon is a good representation of the group), are in agreement that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s treatment of Inhumans is wrong. That powers are a blessing and shouldn't be shunned as a curse.
After Skye's first talk with Gordon, she manipulates water. It is beautiful to look at and she seems pleased with herself. Maybe because she's realizing that her power isn't just destructive but can be used for something beautiful? Maybe that's what helped her decide to take Gordon's offer?

So next episode, or next few episodes, maybe we can see what Skye can really do.

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