Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Nearly Have All My Dragons for Dragonmorphs (Jash's Dragon Army)

What are the Dragonmorphs? They are Animorphs but dragons. On the site Dragon Cave I have been collecting a little team together for this Dragon AU. As aliens don't exist on the site, the Yeerks and Controllers will have to work differently.

But that's a problem that's in the future, so I have a lot of time to think about it. I'm still running through a couple of different scenarios for the Yeerk clan (whatever that will be called).

So who do I have so far for the Dragonmorphs?
Adopt one today!
Adopt one today!
Adopt one today!
Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul (while not being part of the Dragonmorphs he is, like in Animorphs, involved in their story)

Adopt one today!
Jake Berenson
Adopt one today!
Adopt one today!

So why did I choose those dragons to represent those characters? Once I have all of the Dragonmorphs (long story short: the one dragon I want for Rachel is random if you get it or not so I have had to try a lot), I will explain in one post or many my reasons. Depending if I think I have enough material for each to put into one and how much space I want to take up per post.

And, if you're the one or two interested: you will be able to join the Dragonmorphs clan like you will be able to my other clans in my Dragon Army.

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