Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dresden, His Subconscious, and Me

 The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher, is an awesome series. You follow the adventures of Harry Dresden, a wizard detective, who has a lot of sass. And who doesn't love some sass? Not anyone I'd want to be around, that's for sure.

There are some ways in which I admire Harry Dresden and other ways I connect with him. Today I'll be talking about how I connect to him via his subconscious.

A few times over the course of the series Harry runs into his subconscious. This is usually because his subconscious is trying to warn him of things. Things of which Harry usually doesn't figure out until they happen.

Harry seems to think of his subconscious as an asshole. Something that he has to deal with because it's part of him and all.
I am a spiritual person and a few years ago I had a dream. Now dreams, for me at least, can either mean something special or they won't. Usually they're just the normal dreams that help me realize things I didn't during the day. Of course those sometimes may take days for me to figure out (hey, when you're a Hork-Bajir fighting velociraptors it's sort of hard to think of deep meanings quickly).

The dream I'm talking about was like I was having another out of body experience (which are extremely creepy to me, but that's a topic for a whole 'nother post) but I was in the dreaming. So I get creeped out walking around my house and I go into Dad's room. He's not there, but another man is.

That man was my subconscious and he was dismissive of my fear. Saying either that I had seen worse or that he could do worse.

He was an asshole.

And that's a way I connect to Harry Dresden.

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