Monday, January 12, 2015

Animorphs Re-Read: #7 The Stranger (Chapters 17-20)

Chapter 17
Rachel does not wait until she finishes her morph to run at Visser Three. Rachel easily brings down the Andalite Controller and swings her fully human hand into a tree trunk. Yep, the Ellimist waited for that moment to bring them back to their own time.

Rachel continues to hit the tree and screams about it being unfair. Cassie tries to reassure her best friend by pointing out that that version of Visser Three doesn't exist yet. But Rachel isn't calm. She is plagued by worry about knowing the future and knowing that the fight against the Yeerks is useless.

Ax tries to sound hopeful by saying that the Ellimist was playing a trick on them. Rachel says if the Ellimist is playing a trick, it isn't like the one suggested by Ax. Jake says that they all need to think this complex problem through.

Rachel says that she had been about to say no to the Ellimist because that's her role in the group, but now she's changing her vote. My poor baby who doesn't want to fight a losing war. If I was a member of the group now...yeah, I would feel my hope go away.

The others who had said no change their vote too. Tobias saying that maybe one day they can come back to Earth and reclaim it. It seems that even when Tobias abandons all hope, he still has a little to spare. Everyone's favorite hawk is tough.
Jake tells the Ellimist that they accept his offer, but they aren't taken to the safe haven, the paradise planet.

Rachel finds it extremely awkward going back to school the next day and I don't blame her. She saw the Earth after the Yeerks took over and now she's in history class having to pretend to be normal.

Ms. Paloma talks about how you can't second guess history and that turns Rachel to thinking about how the Ellimist is all knowing. Cassie asks why not.

Ms. Paloma then gives the famous metaphor of the butterfly flapping its wings that has been used many times in science fiction. And in this book it's being used for why you can't predict the future. Paloma says that you can't predict the future because it's too complicated to accurately predict.

At the end of this speech it appears the Ellimist puts her into a trance and she keeps repeating "a single butterfly" until the bell rings.

After class Rachel and Cassie discuss what just happened. They start to figure out that maybe "yes" wasn't the answer that the Ellimist wanted. As they continue to talk they realize that the Ellimist had shown them the dropshaft.
Rachel points out that he is interfering when he says his kind can't. I'm actually sort of laughing at this part a little bit because he does become less scary as the series goes on.

But neither of the two girls can figure out what the Ellimist's end game is.

Cassie says they can think about this later as they might be swooped up at any moment. However, right now she has to go to gym class.

The chapter ends with Rachel wondering how the butterfly knows how to flap its wings.

Chapter 18
Rachel is having yet another nightmare about the Yeerk pool. This time she is a butterfly stuck on the Taxxon's tongue. Ax talks about the Yeerk pool and Cassie talks about how the Ellimist showed them the dropshaft. Rachel sees the light of the Kandrona which never gets closer.

I really like the imagery in this dream sequence. It combines one of Rachel's fears to what has happened to her recently. And dreams are just our subconscious talking to us which is why it's good to analyze your dreams.

At the end of the dream Rachel comes to a realization and is ecstatic.

She prepares to morph and writes a letter for her mother so her mom doesn't worry about her.

Rachel thinks that she can't tell the others as they had already said yes to the Ellimist's offer. No matter how brave she acts, she still wants to avoid all the hardships that come with fighting a war as a child soldier.

Rachel convinces herself to tell the others when she imagines having a conversation with her dad about backing down from the fight.

Rachel startles Tobias awake which makes him angrily ask her if she remembered what he had said earlier. Rachel tells him that what she's figured out will help them change history. Tobias asks what information could change things so much and Rachel tells him that she knows where the Kandrona is located.

Chapter 19
Marco starts off the chapter complaining, of course. It appears that Rachel and Tobias both flew in to Marco's bedroom through his open window causing Marco to panic. Oh, Rachias is such a cute couple!

They're in Cassie's barn, of course, and everyone there is showing different levels of tiredness. Tobias is pooped out from flying too much as flying at night is far from easy for him.

Rachel answers Marco's question about why they're here and she tells him that she knows where the Kandrona ray is. Marco is pragmatic and so asks her how she knows. Rachel begins by explaining what she and Cassie had already figured out about the dropshaft.

Jake counters by pointing out that it was already there and it had nothing to do with the Ellimist showing them anything. Rachel counters with the fact that the Ellimist didn't appear until they were in a position to easily spot the dropshaft.
Rachel asks the group if they have been wrong about the Ellimist and he's telling the truth. That he'll take them away to some place safe. Marco asks why that's supposed to make them feel better as that future has humanity enslaved by the Yeerks.

Rachel points out that it does matter what they do as the Ellimist had asked them to decide. Marco counters by saying that the only way to change the future is to agree to the Ellimist's offer. Rachel counters by saying that the Ellimist didn't take them away once they accepted his offer. That means the Ellimist was looking for a different answer.

Clever girl!
Cassie points out that the Ellimist didn't just want to save humanity, but everything on Earth because Earth is a work of art. I love in her dialogue she is questioning if the Ellimist is being honest with them. Nope, Ellimist is a jackass that will twist things to what he wants. Thanks for noticing!

Rachel said one way the Ellimist could cheat would be if he just HAPPENED to put them in a position where they were able to see a way out and a way to win. When he took them to the future he let them notice the EGS Tower.

She says that the EGS Tower is where the Kandrona is. Jake agrees with his cousin and Marco says he likes the guy. I'll see what you say later, Marco. Ellimist is a sneak, but that doesn't mean he's fun to deal with.

Jake asks if destroying the Kandrona ray will change the future. Cassie brings up the metaphor about the butterfly again. Tobias asks how the butterfly knows to flap its wings which is the same question Rachel had asked herself earlier. So it's fitting that Rachel answers it, replying that the butterfly just flaps and hopes for the best.

It ends with Rachel saying they're going to kick Yeerk butt.

Chapter 20
Jake tells the other Animorphs about how they need to make sure that they don't hurt any innocent bystanders in the attack. He says that it's early in the morning so they shouldn't run into too many innocent people. I love that a young adult book is actually discussing the fact that innocent people might get hurt and saying why it's not good to go in without thinking about killing/injuring innocent people.

Tobias tells the others that he's getting wonderful updrafts from the EGS Tower itself so that helps point to the fact that Rachel was correct in her guess.

Jake reminds Rachel to go easy on bystanders and asks Tobias to keep a lookout for them. I think Tobias agrees to the hard work of flying when it's not day because he wants to be useful to the group. The other Animorphs think Tobias is a useful member, but Tobias doesn't really consider himself a true part of the team.

When Tobias warns them that someone is heading towards them, I like how he brings up his eyesight. Even though Tobias is a humble member of the group, you can tell that he's very proud of his hawk abilities. Almost like an Andalite's pride.
Cassie finishes morphing and scares off the guy. She comes back to the group and everyone has finished morphing.

Marco gets the guard's attention by tapping on the glass and giving a funny comment. It's because of that the guard is revealed as a Controller. Marco remarks that the man being a Controller makes things much easier.

As Marco attacks the Controller, Jake says for the others to go in.

They all go into the freight elevator and Rachel presses the button for the top floor. She remarks that this isn't easy for a Grizzly bear to do.

Rachel looks with her week Grizzly bear eyes and sees at how much weight the elevator can take.

Jake and Rachel start to talk about movies and you get reminded how girly Rachel can be. She says she wants to see a Keanu Reeves movie because he's cute. She then says that she wonders if Reeves would ever date her, but figures he wouldn't want to date a Grizzly bear.
Then the attack starts and Rachel shows her warrior side. It's great that this series has the beautiful girl also be the toughest warrior in the group.

Cassie and Ax arrive after Rachel, Jake, and Marco. Cassie remarks on the number of guards and then notices Jake is injured. Jake tells her that he's okay.
Cassie warns Rachel that there is a door. Rachel pretends that she can't see the door as she plows into it and then there are even more Hork-Bajir Controllers revealed.

Rachel charges at the eight Hork-Bajir Controllers while under the impression that they are human Controllers. Because Grizzly bear eyesight really sucks. She remarks that the others thought she was being brave.

I like how Rachel books remind you that she isn't a fearless warrior. Because each Animorph is a complicated character.
Animorphs Re-Read

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