Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: Another Viewpoint 5

I looked over Katashi's body and knew what I had to do. It wouldn't be good for such a strong person to be eaten by the wolves and vultures. No, he should become one with this place. I shifted into a large, bulky form with shovel-like hands.

A few minutes of digging in the dirt and there was a sizable hole. It wasn't a perfect shape, but it would do. I shifted back into a human and dragged Katashi over to the hole. Katashi was thin, but he still felt heavy to me. This was probably due to me not being used to lifting a human in my human form.

As I was about to drop Katashi in the hole, I realized that he deserved a better sending off.

"Katashi, I hope that, if there is an afterlife, you are being rewarded in it." I said and pushed him down. When his body crashed into the bottom of the hole, I wished I was one that could give a big speech. But I wasn't. He deserved something good to send him off. Something better than my words.

"Katashi, out of respect for you, I am adding your name onto my own." I said to his body. "With this I will remember you long after everyone else has forgotten you."

I then shifted back into the form I had used to dig the hole so I could fill it back up. Afterwards, I shifted into an owl and flew away into the night. As I flew I thought about Katashi's most important message. The message about just having sex and not loving so that one could stay safe and not hurt.

I remembered Sajoki and thought about how horrible it would be if I had never loved her. At the same time, if I hadn't loved her I wouldn't hurt now. Did I really want this much hurt to be with me every time I found someone that looked good? No, no I didn't.

With that thought, I decided to follow on in Katashi's legacy.

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