Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Boldly Flee (2012)

Title: To Boldly Flee

Parts: 1-8 (aka the whole movie)

Type: Made for a Site (That Guy With the Glasses)

Director: Doug Walker

Starring: Channel Awesome Producers

Rated: N/A

Released: 2012

Personal Rating: 5/5

Oscars: N/A

Basic Plot: Doug Walker starts an epic journey as he is called to go into a Plot Hole.
References to the Writing Process
As you can tell by the Basic Plot, they do delve into the writing process. Not in an artsy or serious way, but in a humorous one. And they don't delve into the writing process deeply. But those writers, like myself, will get something out of this. If only a little reward. The biggest instance of this is at the end.

Connection to Last Year's Anniversary Movie
This movie has a connection to last year's anniversary movie. Don't worry, you don't need to see the one before this as it's explained enough. You don't get every detail but you do understand enough for the plot to make sense. I was happy to see this connection and to see it wasn't simply dropped off.

Everyone's Talent
This has a lot of good talent in it. Linkara brings his villain MechaKara as a threat to the crew of USS House (?). Oancitizen brings his art house knowledge when Luke Mochire needs to learn more about the Plot. Phelous makes fun of himself as he dies a lot and is wearing a red shirt in the movie.

Final Thoughts
This movie was just awesome. Especially for the budget. I have to mention, again (first time was in the First Thoughts of this movie), that the Nostalgia Critic is retired. I HATE how people are outraged. There are other people on the site (Linkara, Oancitizen, Phelous, Welshy, ect.) and it's not like the site is going to die. Trust me, I was shocked when that part came up. But I trust Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) to do good with his plans for a new show.

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