Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Green: Spreading 5

We all sat on the floor. We didn't yet have the strength to get up. Susan had shut the door to the now dead woman and her blur. The silence was uncomfortable. It made me more uneasy than seeing the blur. More uneasy than stepping on the blur's head.

"You can say it." I finally said.

"There had to have been another way." Susan replied. "But, really, you had to react to the situation as it happened. I can't be mad at you for that."

"You saved my life." Plague agreed with a smile. That simple smile made me feel better.

"But why did it happen?" Susan asked. "The woman was clean. She wasn't going to turn into a rage zombie anytime soon."

This caused more silence as we thought. What Susan had asked was the most important question. Finally there was sound.

"I hardly think that matters." The male intern said. His voice was devoid of hope. "It happened."

Susan shook her head. I assumed his reply was normal. Though I found it offensive.

"What about her eggs?" I asked and then paused. "When did she get pregnant?"

Susan thought for a moment. "There was time for her eggs to get infected."

"Still doesn't make sense, though." Plague replied.

"George Hunder did mention that some of the test subjects weren't infected." I remembered. "What if the people were infected, but just not like other people?"

Plague nodded and replied, "It wouldn't surprise me if he hid things from us." He turned to look at the two confused interns. "George Hunder is the reason there is a Gralg Outbreak. We were able to talk to him."

The interns nodded. After half an hour we went to sit in the lobby. After a few hours backup came.

An army officer spoke to just Plague and I. The interns, and others in the hospital, were being questioned by officials before being let free to go home.

"We think there might be a doctor who can help us understand Gralg." The officer said. "He isn't involved with it, that we know of, but he could have valuable information. You two are to find him and bring him to headquarters. Wherever that might be in the future."

"But you must think he has the information or else why seek him out? Why can't you call him up?" Plague asked.

"He's been off the grid for awhile." The officer replied. "Or, at least, has been living under a different name."

"So what's his name?"

"Henry Johnson."

"We'll find him as soon as possible." I said without a second thought. That name. The name of my possible father. If I was, as George had said, John Johnson. Henry's son.

"Hold on," Plague said and put a hand on my shoulder. "What field of science is Johnson known for."

"It's the kind that'll help us fight back against Gralg." The officer replied. "That's all the information that I was given."

Plague nodded and he tried to keep up with me as I rushed to our car. Once we got in the car he turned to me and said, "Just let it out." Though he said it with anger, I could hear amusement in his voice.

"George Hunder did call me John Johnson." I said eagerly. "He said Henry Johnson is my father."

"And what if he was telling the truth?" Plague questioned. "George didn't say you two had the best relationship. Hell, I'd be surprised if Henry would be happy to find out that you're alive."

I thought about Yuji Makija. He had wanted me to survive, though his method had been odd. I didn't understand it, but it did make sense. Would my own father, if Henry was him, give me a logical explanation as well?

That didn't matter. What mattered now was finding him. As the hospital faded into the background, I felt more hope than ever before.
The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination


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