Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is College Neccesary?

First off, being educated is a must. I don't want idiots walking around. But do you have to go to college/university to stop being an idiot and get a good paying job?

Here's the funny thing: Most college graduates don't have jobs and are in debt. Serious debt from Student Loans.

I graduated from college with an English Degree in Creative Writing from Saint Leo, University (in 2009). Luckily I didn't have to take out any student loans because my parents had money stored up for me to use for college. However, I went to a community college my final semester because the money was running VERY low (I only had to do electives so I didn't need to take them at Saint Leo, had the credits transferred).

So with these facts: Going to college would not help ANYONE that's having financial trouble. Even if you do graduate, there will still be debt.

Of course, depending on your degree you may have a better chance of getting a good job.

If you're wondering: I've been job hunting for two years. You may now commence Jobless English Major jokes.

Here's a Video From SourceFed

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