Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A Lost Gem 3

All the sounds and smells of the forest were more noticable than they were before. The form I was in now was human except for my arms, which were blades. Jirou was behind me carrying Yamaka's corpse. I was hurrying back to Hijunaki's Palace, though I would've liked to never return. Especially because of what Jirou had told me about the spirits' reply.

The good news was that when I died I wouldn't have to worry about paying back the spirits. The bad news was their reason for deciding so. Looking back at Yamaka, seeming to rest peacefully in Jirou's arms, I tried to prepare myself for the pain I'd be experiencing. I knew something horrible would happen because that's why the spirits hadn't accepted my offer. I would be experiencing enough pain already.

I turned my head away from Jirou's gaze before he could try and comfort me. I decided to put all my attention in making sure we weren't attacked. But that didn't work. How could it when I kept imagining all the pain I'd be going through?

Finally Hijunaki's Palace could be seen in the distance and then we entered it. We passed by creations and slaves going about their usual business. All seemed quiet, but that was because of my fear. We arrived in the main chamber and Hijunaki looked at me. I bowed and then Jirou came in.

Jirou placed Yamaka in front of Hijunaki and went behind me. But did so in a way that downplayed his fear. I thought that Hijunaki would start to yell at me but then I saw something I had never expected to see on his face. It was a tear.

That tear was followed by many more. A cry like a dying beast came from his throat. I was moved by this. I realized the pain Hijunaki was showing was not because of losing a slave. If that had been the case, he'd have killed me like Katashi.

As Hijunaki's mourning continued, I realized that he had loved Yamaka. And if such a hateful thing could find it in his heart to risk loving someone: Couldn't I?

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