Friday, February 10, 2012

The Green: Remnants 1

I was driving and Plague was asleep beside me. I was new to driving, or at least I didn't have any memories about it from before the lab, and so I was concentrating very hard on the road. Plague had already driven a lot on our mission and so I had decided to practice while he slept. I liked that he trusted me with his life.

I had trusted him with something much more valuable last night. I had come out of the shower when I saw Plague lying on the bed. It wasn't a fancy bed by any means, just a cheap motel one. I wasn't surprised, though, our relationship had been growing. He was taking things at my speed, which was faster than it was slow.

Nodding my agreement, Plague took me through my first sexual experience. Well, my first that I could remember. The enjoyment I got to being so close to Plague was exhilarating. However, the physical feelings that I experienced were not as enjoyable. He was kind enough not to do anything too rough or extreme.

By the end of the night I had grown comfortable with gay sex. It was enjoyable but, somehow, lacking in an area I couldn't figure out. Plague and I had a conversation afterwards and he reassured me that it wasn't unusual for virgins to be frightened. I then realized I would have much more time to grow closer to my lover. And I wanted to grow as close to Plague as I could in every area.

I shook my head and concentrated on the road. I, Matthias, didn't have time to think about Plague right now. Making sure I didn't crash was much more of a concern. Finally the gas station was in sight and I pulled up.

The only one that paid any attention to me was a bum. I got out of the car and started to pump gas. All throughout this the bum just continued to look at me. It was uncomfortable to have such a gaze thrown at me. While Plague did sometimes stare at me, it was full of adoration. The bum's gaze, however, was judgmental and ready for a fight.

After I filled the car up I walked to the bum. I was scared for my life and didn't know if Plague could wake up in time to save me. But, on the other hand, he had trained me to fight. I was a beginner, but could hold my ground.

When I approached the bum I gave him a signal. It was made up of sounds and gestures. The combinations wouldn't make sense to a random person watching. It would just seem like I was yelling at the bum.

The bum looked at me closely and nodded. He told me a location in Sante Kol, New Mexico where the people we were looking for were located.

I walked to the car, got in, and started to drive to the location that the agent had given me. Though I'd always think of him as a bum.

The Green Blog

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