Thursday, December 19, 2019

Coming Soon: Hork-Bajir: A Mirror of Our Inner Ableist

Imagine that there is a war between birds. All the bird species are in war against each other for some reason. All the way from the far seeing eagle to the crafty raven to the energetic hummingbird. You can't fully understand the war because you are a snake.

While you can survive on the ground, you can't even begin to comprehend things that occur in the sky. As a snake you don't seem to have any part of the war and so you live your peaceful snake life. That is until the crows find a use for you and suddenly you're fighting a war you don't understand. A war you just want to leave but you can't.

That is what the Hork-Bajir face in the Animorphs series. They aren't as intelligent as the Andalites or Yeerks. They are pacifists that didn't think of killing before the Yeerks invaded their home planet. Their lack of comprehending their situation is the ultimate tragedy of their species.

Yet so many Animorphs fans want to believe the Hork-Bajir are smarter than they are in an attempt to look like they support the disabled.

Release Date: January 2, 2020

Go HERE to read the post early.

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