Monday, July 18, 2011

Jumper (Steven Gould)

Title: Jumper

Author: Steven Gould

Released: 1992

Rating: 3/5

Basic Plot: David Rice discovers he has the ability to teleport.

Different From Movie
This book is very different from the movie version. I have watched an in-depth review of the movie and they are two very different things. For those who hate the movie, don't pass this book up because of it.

Teleporting/Jumping Rules
The fact that there are rules that cause obstacles for David is very good. The greatest one being where he can and can't teleport. This is the cause of David having to do actual work to be able to teleport somewhere.

Enemies Are Outside and Inside David
What I mean by that is that David faces conflicts that are internal and external. David has to face off against terrorists and Brian Cox (NSA). While doing this he has to make sure he doesn't turn into the type of people he's fighting against. This causes some good conflict and makes the character of David a little more life like.

Final Thoughts
I know some of you might be thinking of Nightcrawler when hearing that there is teleportation involved. However, I don't think one character has claims over a certain ability. This is very senseless to assume. The book's story goes along at a decent pace and it isn't boring (though it might be a little slow for some).

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