Monday, September 2, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 9: A Deep Longing

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

It was good to be in Lakeview Manor's basement after gardening in the freezing rain. At least down here it was warm and Alex was next to me. He hadn't been mad since the carriage ride. Instead he had been silent and I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

But at least he wasn't angry at me.

Currently we were searching through chests to find usable staffs. Most had been down here for too long. If the spell I wanted had been simple, they would have done well enough. But the spell wasn't simple and good wood was needed for such an occasion.

"I'm sorry, Kys." Alex said as he handed me a staff to look at.

"For earlier?" I asked as I examined what he had given me. "When you insulted myself and my friends?"

"And family."

I put the staff in the pile of useful staffs before turning to look into his eyes. There wasn't a world where I could stay mad at the man. He had started having feelings for me and I had been too cowardly to face my own fears.

"I understand why you were angry." I said with a sad smile. "So, yes, I accept your apology. You seemed to imply you lost someone yourself."

"She didn't die." Alex replied and I could feel the anger brimming underneath. "She turned out to be someone else other than the woman I married. We divorced and it wasn't a clean one. So I understand the fear that we're just not meant to last. I know the urge to run away from any feelings just so you won't feel that pain again."


There was an awkward silence and we went back to sorting staffs until the moment was over. Was a divorce something embarrassing?

"It's when your marriage is dissolved. Legally." Alex said. "Sometimes couples separate peacefully. Other times it's like a war. My ex-wife didn't take her claws out easily."

"Divorce." I mused and let the word flow out of my mouth like a song. "That would be good to have in Skyrim. I once had to help a spouse deal with her abusive husband. She still loved him and so I killed him in secret. She works on my plantation now and isn't pursuing any suitors."

But there had been too many times I couldn't help. A drunk that irritated his wife so he ended up dead. Relationships that blossomed but then burned to less than ashes. If divorces were enacted in Skyrim, so many lives could be saved. Innocent lives.

"Until death do us part." Alex said with a sigh. "A marriage vow from my world."

"Very fitting." I replied with a smile.

"Did Scouts know?"

"He was the one to suggest it. Unlike me, he was a kind and gentle soul. So when I came back and my thoughts were on the thrill of the hunt, he couldn't **** me. He loved me but...******* me like that wouldn't be enjoyable for him. I guess it made my darkness too prominent. So we started an open marriage."

I sat down at the small table and Alex joined me. It felt good to be at peace with him again. Even though he would leave soon, at least he didn't hate me. At least we had something even though it was just friendship.

"But we had to keep our open marriage a secret." I said.

"Those things aren't allowed here?" Alex asked.

"Heavily frowned upon. In the days when people could worship Dibella without restraint, my marriage to Scouts wouldn't have gotten a second glance."

I wanted to kiss him now. I wanted to give into my feelings and didn't care about the future. I just needed to feel his body and hear his cries.

But I had too much restraint.

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