Friday, September 20, 2024

When Darkness Comes Chapter 10: Four is the Magic Number

This is a Skyrim/Alan Wake 2 fic. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

"You'll need to arrive in the morning, Arch-Mage." Brelyna Maryon said.

"Which means we'll need to leave early tomorrow morning." I replied and bit into my venison.

It felt good to tear into the meat. What would feel even better were Alex's lips. But while we had come to terms about our feelings for each other, it wasn't ours to act on them. He would be leaving soon and I would remain here. It wouldn't do become more than we could.

"How long will it take to get to Myrwatch?" Alex asked.

He looked, for just a moment, at me tearing into my steak and I wondered what sordid thoughts were running through his head. Was he thinking about how nice my mouth would feel on his? Was he thinking about all the things my tongue could do? Was he thinking about how my teeth would feel grazing his skin?

Or had he just glanced at me eating?

"By carriage it will take nearly a full day to get to Morthal." Rayya my Redguard Housecarl said. "And Kys won't want to stop until you arrive at Myrwatch."

"You can **** and **** off the back of the carriage, Alex." I reassured him. "It's uncomfortable but that's the cost of speed."

Alex just nodded and we continued eating.

"What can I expect in Morthal, Kys?" Alex asked after finishing another goblet of wine.

"Myrwatch is just on the outskirts of Morthal so we'll mostly have no contact with the city." I began to explain. "Morthal is just cold and quiet. Not a place I particularly enjoy due to how low the temperature can get."

The meal continued as did the drinking. As the goblets got refilled countless times my eyes went over to everyone at the table. The three women made eye contact with me and I smiled. My eyes went to Alex and he nodded.

Lakeview Manor had a bedroom on the main floor and three beds on the second. We all knew where me, my companion, steward, and housecarl were going. If only I could have just Alex in my bed this night. If only I was brave enough to say something.

"Do you have any books on Morthal?" Alex asked, making an excuse to leave.

"In the library." I said with a nod.

As he started to move my body couldn't control itself. I got up and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and I saw a war behind those eyes. They were desperately trying to control a wanton need to **** me. A wanton need of letting me ravish his body in every inhumane way possible.

But I denied him and myself what we really wanted. Instead I kissed him gently and inhaled his scent. When his lips tried to greedily devour me I pulled back. Instead of replying he walked to the library.

As I turned away I knew my lovers would hardly be able to combat the beast that would meet them.

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