Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Update: To Die For You If Need Be Chapter 5 Has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of To Die For You If Need Be and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

My mouth was barely able to stop a sigh from leaving my lips as the small boat pushed into the sand. Once the boat was far enough on land, I stepped out in a way that hopefully didn't seem too excited. I walked farther onto land and looked at the cliffs in front of me.

Even though I didn't have memories of this place, my soul remembered. This was the home I had been searching so fervently for. All my doubts were removed simply by being on the island. Of course I would defeat Cersei and rule on the Iron Throne with Jorah Mormont by my side. And with whichever man I married for purely political reasons.

If only Jorah could be with me now. If only he could celebrate this joy with me. But he would be joining me as soon as he cured himself. I couldn't tell him I loved him and not be able to spend any time with him. The gods would not allow that to happen. They couldn't.

I knelt on the sand and placed one hand on the ground. Dragonstone seemed to pulse with a fierce energy. It felt happy to have a Targaryen on its shores once again. I would not disappoint my ancestors. This island would be the start of my conquest.

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