Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dreams of a Strange Sorcerer (Dream Journal)

The design for this journal came to me when I was thinking about the upcoming Doctor Strange movie. So I decided to weave "strange" and "sorcerer" into the title. Would have also added "supreme" but kept being stopped by thoughts of Taco Bell.

The pentacle was originally the colors of the rainbow so I had to work to get it one single color.

There are many different ways of embracing your magical talents. Some of them can get extremely expensive such as collecting crystals. Unless you're rich you probably can't afford a large piece of citrine in its natural color. But there are also much cheaper ways to embrace your magical talents.

One of those ways is paying attention to your dreams. Dreams won't always reveal the future but they will allow you to understand yourself better.

Dreams of a Strange Sorcerer is perfect for such a journey.

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