Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Update: Lynesse Chapter 21 has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of Lynesse and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

"I didn't want to break off my alliance with Daenerys." Jon said. "I loved her, I still do. But I can't stand idly by as she destroys everything I hold dear. I won't let my feelings stop me from doing what is right."

"I wouldn't think of you as I do if you did anything else." I said. "Unlike you, I'm a prisoner to my heart. I would let Westeros burn as long as it made her happy."

"I don't think you're weak."

"Who other than a weak man would sell people into slavery to lavish his wife with gifts?"

There was silence and this time it was awkward. My sordid history wasn't a mystery, especially to one of House Stark. I had loved a woman so much that I had sold people into slavery to give her the life she wanted.

"You made a mistake." Jon finally said. "It doesn't mean you'll make the same one again."

"And is killing her the right decision?" I asked angrily.

"And will standing by as Daenerys burn Westeros to the ground be the right decision?"

"How are you so certain that she'll destroy our home? How do you know more about her than me?"

"Because I'm not ******* her."

"Maybe she is right about you."

"Jorah, think. You're better than this."

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