Friday, April 1, 2022

The Lost City (Mini-Review)

The Lost City is a movie about Loretta Sage not feeling like she can write another book. Her feelings about being afraid of the world and lack of inspiration comes from her husband having passed away before the movie begins. After her obligation to write another book in her romance adventure series is done, she plans to stop writing the series. But when Abigail Fairfax captures Loretta to find a legendary treasure, she finds her gloomy outlook on life start to break. The Lost City was released in 2022. It was directed by Adam Nee and Aaron Nee. It stars Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, and Daniel Radcliffe.

I'm a writer so seeing a movie about an author being dragged into one of her stories seemed intriguing. As the film goes on it's revealed that Loretta used to travel and explore. In fact, her romance novels are based partially on facts she's researched for fun. So while she's used to exploring, she's never been on an adventure like those in her books. The books I write are more loose with real world facts, but the idea of being thrown in situations that I write about is...scary. I honestly don't know if I'd react half as well as Loretta did.

It was good to see Channing Tatum in another movie. It's honestly felt like ever since John Cena has taken up acting, Tatum hasn't gotten as much work. In the movie Tatum plays Alan who is the cover model for Dash. Dash is the romantic lead in Loretta's romance novels. At first Alan appears to be just another stereotypical model. But once he and Loretta bond over their adventure, it turns out that he's not as one dimensional as I thought.

It's always good to see Daniel Radcliffe in a movie. Because it's been a long time since the last Harry Potter movie, it's now more than easy to imagine him as an adult. Instead of playing a hero this time around, Radcliffe plays Abigail Fairfax who is the villain of the film. Abigail is constantly overshadowed by his brother and feels that finding the Crown of Fire will earn him the respect he yearns for. So he kidnaps Loretta in the hopes that she'll be able to provide translations indicating where the treasure is.

This movie made me feel great from start to finish. The jokes landed when they were supposed to which was helped by the excellent cast. Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum worked well off of each other. You could buy that they were in an impossible situation.

Brad Pitt plays the small part of Jack Trainer. When Loretta is kidnapped, Alan remembers Jack and knows the man can help them. Jack is able to rescue people and so just needs Loretta's phone to find her. But Alan, who is in love with her, wants to join in on the adventure. I was worried that there was going to be a love triangle as they're common. But luckily there was no love triangle to be seen.

I would highly recommend The Lost City to those seeking a comedy. I would also highly recommend The Lost City for those looking for a romantic adventure.

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