Saturday, June 4, 2022

Update: A Curse Chapter 1 Has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of A Curse and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

Elfangor, Head of the Warrior Department, had created this mock battle to help determine who should be in the Dracomorphs. That specialized division would be only for the most talented dragons of Seitou's Clan. What other than the best could even hope to battle the demons that were slowly and secretly invading Sornieth?

I barely brought up a shield in time to deflect a Vile Bolt. The magical attack starting to tear away at my shield and I flapped my wings quickly to rise above. I had only been able to tell the direction the attack had come from but not who had shot me. Though many had already fallen, it was still chaotic up in the skies.

As I dived into the fray I let out a mighty roar. It joined the many roars of my clan mates. Both those fighting and those observing on the ground. To make the mock battle fair to all participants, Elfangor had commanded us fight with what our deities had given us: teeth, claws, and our elemental powers. Though I understood why the Mirror had done this, my claws felt empty without Heartsbane in them.

The next few minutes or hours were full of reacting without thinking. The Yun-Harla Department, lead by Vergere, had sent out their few members. They were deadly foes that, through some mysterious means, could tap into all the elements instead of just the one they had been born into. It spoke to the strength of the Warriors that we hadn't all been taken down easily.

As I dodged one attack Gabar slammed into me. The Nocturne didn't react as my claws and teeth dug into her skin. As she turned to shake me off I landed a killing blow in one of her eyes. She roared in defiance as she fell down. I didn't have time to make sure the Medical Department caught and healed her. Herbie, as Head of the Medical Department, was one of the few who couldn't participate in this mock battle. During any mock battle at least one member of the Medical Department had to be ready to heal any injuries.

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