Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Battle Ground (Mini-Review)

Battle Ground is the seventeenth book in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series. The Titan Ethniu's plan to wage war against humanity comes to fruition and Chicago is her first target. Everyone must band together to defend their city whether they be magical or non-magical. Harry Dresden has to battle impossible odds in an attempt to lock Ethniu away in Demonreach. No matter the outcome: Chicago will never be the same.

For what seems like a long time now, the Dresden Files appears to have lost its splendor. It's still an enjoyable series but not like it once was. Peace Talks was one of the worst books in the series with its short length and not feeling like a proper entry in the series. Luckily Battle Ground was a much better experience. It probably helps the book that it's really one extremely long action sequence. So for the majority of the time you're reading some good fight sequences and experiencing the horrors of war.

One part that really bothered me happened after a major character was killed. I can understand their death not being epic due to people dying in meh ways in war. Though it would have been cool if they had gone down fighting something awesome. Now after they die Harry is about to kill their killer but is stopped by Butters. I had to skip the fight sequence between the pair and the other Knight of the Cross as it was so utterly irritating. The major character's killer is one that had been causing problems for a long time and should die. And also it seems to cause problems with the Knights of the Cross as Harry isn't a monster and so the Knights being able to use their powers on him would be removing his free will. Right? But I guess the killer has to survive because the plot said so.

Molly has grown through the series and in this book she embraces her role as the Winter Lady. When she fights she seems to embrace battle almost like a drug. To Harry she seems like a completely different person during the battle and she is. Though her personality after the battle is still the same for the most part.

Ethniu keeps out of the battle for the most part. But the few glimpses that are seen of her before the ending cements her as a terrifying force. Nothing seems able to harm her and so it does feel that Chicago and the rest of humanity will fall to her. As a Titan she is a force outside of nature that views war like most people do a sunny day.

My Kindle version of Battle Ground came with a short story called 'Christmas Eve'. It takes place a few months after Battle Ground when Harry is trying to assemble a bike for Maggie on Christmas Eve. It's a fun short read that I didn't need but didn't mind at the same time.

I would highly recommend Battle Ground by Jim Butcher to fans of The Dresden Files series. I would also recommend Battle Ground by Jim Butcher to urban fantasy fans.

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