Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Curse Chapter 1: Dances in the Sky

This is a Flight Rising fanfiction. All rights belong to the copyright holders.

This fic was originally published HERE.

I pulled my wings close to me as I twisted and turned in the sky. If not for my vast years of experience, I would have failed this test. Mock battles like this didn't allow a dragon time to think. The time it took you to think, you were falling to the ground. My wings barely avoided becoming singed as Hugo threw an intense wave of fire at me.

There was no time to compliment myself on how a Wildclaw had avoided an Imperial's attack. Hugo was many times larger than me but that meant I was more maneuverable than him. Though that also meant his attacks were always larger and deadlier than anything I could come up with.

Elfangor, Head of the Warrior Department, had created this mock battle to help determine who should be in the Dracomorphs. That specialized division would only be for the most talented dragons of Seitou's Clan. Who other than the best could even hope to battle the demons that were slowly and secretly invading Sornieth?

I barely brought up a shield in time to deflect a Vile Bolt. The magical attack started to tear away at my shield and I flapped my wings quickly to rise above. I had only been able to tell the direction the attack had come from but not who had shot me. Though many had already fallen, it was still chaotic up in the skies.

As I dived into the fray I let out a mighty roar. It joined the many roars of my clan mates. Both those fighting and those observing on the ground. To make the mock battle fair to all participants, Elfangor had commanded us to only fight with what our deities had given us: teeth, claws, and our elemental powers. Though I understood why the Mirror had done this, my claws felt empty without Heartsbane in them.

The next few minutes or hours were full of reacting without thinking. The Yun-Harla Department, lead by Vergere, had sent out their few members. They were deadly foes that, through some mysterious means, could tap into all the elements instead of just the one they had been born into. It spoke to the strength of the Warriors that we hadn't all been taken down easily.

As I dodged one attack, Gabar slammed into me. The Nocturne didn't react as my claws and teeth dug into her skin. As she turned to shake me off I landed a killing blow in one of her eyes. She roared in defiance as she fell down. I didn't have time to make sure the Medical Department caught and healed her. Herbie, as Head of the Medical Department, was one of the few who couldn't participate in this mock battle. During any mock battle at least one member of the Medical Department had to be ready to heal any injuries.

I shot out a Bright Bolt in the direction of one attack, brought up my shield to protect from another, and attempted to tear into the skull of a third opponent. My shield was only partially successful and I felt a large bruise forming on my left arm. The pain I could work through as my left arm could still move well enough to be dangerous.

My wings felt a slight change of air beneath me. Without giving myself time to think, I slightly changed my flight pattern so I could use the thermal to rise up above the fray. I didn't know if the thermal was an unintended effect of the magic littering the air or a natural occurrence. In any case, it allowed me a precious few minutes to observe the fighting now below me. Fighting that was slowly becoming more clear and sane to me.

Rin and Virus were two Banescales that were really one. Each dragon was the opposite of the other and their love was deeper than many. It was because of her love that she had decided not to be a Warrior since Virus was too much of a coward to fight. While I hadn't consciously observed their fighting style today, I had noted how Rin was always there to protect Virus. Virus, in turn, was able to give Rin much needed openings.

Now their dance today was coming to an end. Scourge had managed to tear one of Rin's wings partially off. Virus tried to snap at the Wildclaw with his teeth but my second wife avoided his attack. Once Rin started to fall, Scourge landed a blow to Virus' spine that sent the Banescale spiraling down.

The battlefield in the air was now down to the most skilled fighters the clan had. Rachel and Jake went down as both managed to land killing blows on each other. If she was down that would only leave Scourge and Tobias. There was no hope that I could win against her but I should be able to beat Tobias. Hopefully.

It would be good to win second place as that might make Elfangor more likely to declare me a member of the Dracomorphs. Scourge was good enough to be part of the Dracomorphs though her nomadic nature might make the Head of the Warrior Department doubt her fitness to be part of the elite group.

My eyes couldn't see either Scourge or Tobias. It would be more than easy for the pair to hide in the thick purple fog that tended to encase all of the Shadowbinder's territory. The deity was all about hiding and trickery to win battles. Sometimes the mist would let up and at other times would be all consuming. Today there was more blue sky than thick fog so at least there was more visibility than normal.

With a quick prayer to the Shadowbinder, I descended slowly towards the mist. I let my instincts take over so that whenever Tobias or Scourge decided to attack, I would have a chance. Scourge had grown up outside the continent while Tobias had survived in the same area for a short amount of time. I, on the other hand, had never left the comforts of the continent. To them I must be a child playing at war.

I did a backwards flip and Tobias went shooting underneath me. I did a series of quick rolls to the side and flew up to avoid more attacks from the Wildclaw. He roared when I was finally able to put some distance from him. I roared back to show my dominance. While I was evading him, I kept my senses alert for Scourge.

For all I knew her plan was to allow Tobias to attack me so she would have an easier time. It was a good strategy to allow opponents to weaken each other so that you'd have an easier time defeating them. While she and I loved each other dearly, for mock battles we were ruthless even to each other. If either of us saw an opening, we would take it.

Just as I started to form a strategy, my second wife attacked. Somehow she had perfectly hidden herself in a piece of mist that was removed from the rest. It appeared like a little cloud and so I hadn't thought that anyone could hide in it. I was wrong and that was my downfall.

I turned so that my feet dug into her hips drawing blood as they did so. As we bit fiercely at each other's face, sometimes drawing blood as we did so, I wrapped my arms around her neck as if in a lover's embrace. Her own hand continued to slash at my chest. Our bodies were intertwined and she was winning.

We twisted and turned in the air to try and get an advantage, no matter how small, over the other. Scourge got that advantage and in three motions too quick for my conscious mind to follow, my right wing held onto my body by only a tendon. I roared at her in joy as I quickly fell towards the ground.

While my roar had started out as joyful, it quickly turned to painful. Now that the fight was over for me, all my pain was no longer hidden. All dragons of the clan were trained in basic uses of magic, though many preferred pure physical attacks. But in a mock battle where we weren't allowed our usual weapons, we all had to resort to magic at some point. So there were burns from fire, water, light, and other elemental attacks. Most hadn't impaired my movements but now they all hurt.

The most painful of my wounds was my wing that had fallen off a few seconds before. I tried to hold my pain inside but my mouth continued to cry out. The feeling of my wing breaking off was a quick, sharp, and deep pain. I wanted to try and quicken my fall so that I could be healed sooner but resisted as I didn't want to marked as a coward. If I were to become a Dracomorph, Elfangor couldn't see such weakness in me.

I needed something to distract me. Anything so that I would stop crying out for help. So I looked up to see how Scourge's fight with Tobias was going. Both Wildclaws were experts in the air. Before Scourge had joined the clan, Tobias had been the best fighter when it came to air battles. As I fell I got lost in what seemed like a dance between the two dragons.

Scourge's shiny red and white form was a blur that seemed to mix with Tobias' more reddish brown colors. Blood started to pour from the sky as the pair were locked in a deadly battle. Whoever came out as the victor would have a better chance at becoming a Dracomorph. At least I had finished in third place and so might have a chance at being offered the role.

My remaining wing picked up on an odd wind current. A moment later the rest of my body understood I was being pulled to the ground. I didn't know if that was because of any magic or air currents. With a sigh I looked back at the battle between Scourge and Tobias. It was hard to track their movements as they were far away from me. If there had been enough strength left in me, I could have improved my vision just enough so that they wouldn't appear as more than blurs. Elfangor was probably using a spell to increase things like his eyesight so he'd be able to observe the mock battle better.

I pulled my remaining wing close to my chest so that it wouldn't be ripped off as the force pulling me down increased. After a moment's thought, I pulled my tail to my chest more for comfort than anything else.

Soon after I had pulled my tail close to me, my body stopped feet from the ground by a force field. The wings of a Fae flew towards me. I turned my head to see the small form of Mary Graham coming towards me. The small dragon seemed like a snowflake, especially as she wasn't wearing any of her clothing. Most likely because it must have been a constant job of healing dragons ever since she was defeated in the mock battle.

"You finished third, Jorah." Mary said in a tone I had learned to identify as impressed.

"I never expected to win against Scourge or Tobias, Mary." I replied as my body was quickly healed to the point it didn't look like I had ever been injured.

With a brief wave of her front claws, Mary took away the force field and I stood on the ground. Both of us looked up to the sky. I wanted to offer the dragon my shoulder so she could rest a moment but that would be extremely disrespectful to her. Most of the time she appeared to be one of the weakest dragons in the clan but she had been allowed in for a reason. While she didn't like fighting on the battlefield, she would do anything to save a life. Mary was strong in all the ways that mattered.

Lightning shot out from the sky and a red blur dodged the attack. Tobias roared loudly while Scourge remained eerily silent. All dragons were at one point consumed by the need to roar for one reason or another. My love did not suffer from that which made most dragons unnerved by her during fights. Tobias was too familiar with her for that to get in the way of his attacks.

"Come on." I breathed under my breath as both Wildclaws seemed to blur into one.

Suddenly both forms came hurtling towards the grounds. My voice joined many in cheering the dragons on. I yelled for Scourge while other voices favored Tobias instead. As a clan of the Shadowbinder, we were used to being quiet the majority of the time but now was different. Now was much too important for silence.

My feet clutched at the ground as the blurs started to become separate entities. I cheered as a reddish brown blur fell to the ground while a red blur rose. Mary scoffed as a few dragons turned out to have been betting on the fight.

"Why no one just accepts Scourge's superiority is beyond me." A voice from behind me scoffed.

Mary and I turned to see one of the most unpleasant dragons. The Wildclaw was still looking up at Scourge. Unlike usually, he was naked since he felt it unnecessary to bring clothing to a mock battle. Luckily for me he had used the time waiting to bring me my clothing and sword.

"Maybe because nothing is for certain." Mary replied and her crest flared up. "Just because Scourge is a good fighter doesn't mean she'll always win."

"Scourge wins!" Elfangor shouted with his magically enhanced voice.

"Of course Scourge can lose, but if you're betting it's better to look at who's most likely to win." Alexander Isaacs said, his voice softening slightly. "One of these days maybe Marco will win."

A slight blush crept up the Fae's face. It was clear that she wanted to do nothing more than fly away. But she was resisting her fear to stay hovering here. My husband handed me my clothing and I quickly changed. When I put Heartsbane in its sheath I felt that all was right with the world.

"I've heard Birch talk about requesting you to breed for the honor of the Shadowbinder." I said to try and break the awkward silence.

"And you're wondering why I'm fighting if that's the case." Mary replied with a brief nod. "I've refused the breeding request as protecting Sornieth from the demons is more important than spreading my genes."

"I hope that you will be chosen, Mary."

"Same, Jorah." Mary replied and then flew off as Herbie was calling his department to him.

I tried to relax my posture once she left. It wasn't as though Alex would try to harm me and he had been a great help to the clan. The problem was that I always felt uneasy being around him and yet there was a need to protect him. I didn't know when he was beaten in the mock battle but at least he had made an effort. No matter his faults, he wanted to become brave. He hadn't wanted someone protecting him like Rin did for Virus.

"I'm sure you'll become a Dracomorph, Jorah." Alex said as he watched the sky to see when Scourge would decide to land. "Scourge didn't choose you because you're a coward."

"If she doesn't like cowards, why did she choose you?" I replied a little more harshly than I meant to.

"I don't know why, I just know she did. The day I thought she died...I owe her everything. I hope I can one day become the man she deserves."

Scourge had saved Alex as well as me. She was an amazing dragon that had survived more than anyone should ever have to. And instead of her upbringing driving her away from forming relationships, she still had a heart that cared for others. Though she wasn't always able to express her emotions like most dragons. Even a Fae, like Mary, was easier to understand unless you got to know her.

"I shouldn't call you a coward." I apologized. "A coward doesn't venture out with Scourge."

"I've gotten better." Alex said with a nod. "At least I wasn't with her when she discovered Kali. Jash has been able to get her under control but...that dragon is what Scourge would be like if she wasn't so controlled."

Scourge loved Alex beyond reason. At one point she had saved him from certain death at great risk to herself. There was no reason for a dragon to do that unless they truly loved another. That meant it was my duty as a husband to treat Alex with respect. He would be staying with myself, Scourge, and Daenerys until we died. I had to do a better job at treating him with respect.

"Thanks for waiting for me, Alex." I said.

"I fell so quickly that there wasn't much else for me to do." Alex replied. "If Daenerys weren't on a mission of her own, she would have put up a fight. What she lacks in fighting skills, she more than makes up in pure perseverance."

I gave him a curt nod to acknowledge the compliment. My first wife had been a queen at one time so it had been hard to decide what part she would play in the clan. It had eventually been decided that she would be a diplomat. The role fit her as well as anything could.

"How is the morphing technology progressing?" I asked.

While I was curious, I had asked the question because I wanted to be polite. He had complimented Daenerys, something that was a rarity for him. So it was best that I reward him with an unusual question of my own. But Alex had seen through my facade and let out a long sigh of annoyance.

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