Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Update: To Die For You If Need Be Chapter 10 Has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of To Die For You If Need Be and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

"You're writing to Daenerys?" Sam asked once he shut the door.

"One letter if you're successful and another if you're not." I replied and blew on the second letter to help it dry. "I don't want to be unprepared in case something goes wrong."

"Nothing will go wrong."

Sam quickly made final preparations. His hands seemed to be possessed by how fast and delicately he moved. Strange salves that had a pungent orders seemed to not worry him at all as he mixed them. He leaned down at a few points to make sure that he had mixed things correctly. Tonight was not the time for mistakes. There would be no second chances after this.

"So they let you keep your sword." Sam said. "I'm glad that you won't have to suffer as a Stone Man if-"

"If you make a mistake." I finished so he didn't have to. "I will swing my own sword if that happens. I won't ask that of you."

"If I make a mistake it should be my burden to bear."

"Killing a man is no easy task. You'll already be suffering one loss. No need for you to have guilt for another."

"Thank you, Jorah."

I grimaced as he continued to make final preparations. If he cured me he might still become infected. The cost of curing me could be his life. It was a price he seemed more than willing to pay and I was too selfish to argue. What would his wife and child think of me if he became infected because of me? Would there be anything I could do to change their minds?

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