Thursday, May 5, 2022

Moon Knight Season 1 (Mini-Review)

Moon Knight Season 1 is a tv adaptation of the comic book character. Steven Grant is a down on his luck guy who just tries to get through each day. He thinks that he has a sleep walking problem and so ties himself to his bed every night. But one day he falls asleep and then wakes up in Sweden. It is then quickly revealed to him that he actually suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and he is involved with an Egyptian god. Steven and his personality of Marc Spector must team up to stop Harrow from destroying the world. Moon Knight Season 1 was released on Disney+ in 2022.

I'm always wary when a new Disney+ Marvel show comes out. I preferred the Netflix Marvel shows as they could get violent and deal with subjects the main Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) wouldn't. So when Moon Knight premiered I only started watching because it was a Marvel show and Oscar Isaac stars in it. By the end of the first season I really hoped that there is a second season. Maybe Season 2 could be bloodier due to a secret third personality.

One thing I don't like about the Disney+ Marvel shows is that each season is so short. It seems like Disney is pumping out as many shows as quickly as possible. While I do like the show, it would have been nice to build up the mystery of Marc Spector and Moon Knight longer. Such as if we followed Steven Grant starting to slowly realize something is very wrong. The Netflix Marvel shows might have took their time getting to the point of every season, but at least it always felt like you knew the heroes.

Khonshu is the Egyptian moon god that gave Marc Spector his powers. It is him who saved Marc from death and gave him the title of Moon Knight. Khonshu walks the line between hero and villain. He believes in the kind of justice where bad people must be killed. This sense of justice is good but he might not have Marc's best interest in mind. At one point Steven points out to Marc how it seems the god manipulated the man into becoming his avatar. By the end of the season it seems more than possible that Khonshu might have been grooming Marc from an early age to become his avatar.

Ethan Hawke plays Arthur Harrow. Hawke gives Harrow some complexity. He's not a bad guy doing bad things because he's bad. Instead Harrow truly believes in the justice first shown him by Khonshu. Now that he isn't the moon god's avatar, he serves the goddess Ammit. He believes her way of justice is better as she doesn't wait for sinners to commit crimes. Harrow's goal of releasing Ammit makes him the antagonist for Moon Knight's first season.

I would recommend Moon Knight Season 1 to fans of the MCU. I would also recommend Moon Knight Season 1 to fans of superheroes and Egyptian mythology.

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