Thursday, August 22, 2019

At First Love Chapter 15: Another Season Gone

This is a Real Person Fanfiction. In this fanfiction Iain Glen has never been married.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

"Cheers!" Lena said and raised her glass.

"Yeah!" We all yelled back while raising our mugs and glasses.

Another season was done with. Another series of stresses was now over. Now was the time to celebrate all of our hard work. When the season aired viewers would give their opinions and be extremely vocal about it. They would nitpick the hell out of it and show they knew more about the lore than the actual cast did. It might be a lifestyle for some, but for me it was just a job. An extremely enjoyable job, but at the end of the day it was just a paycheck.

I put one arm around Emilia's waist and pulled her closer. We had not had many chances to film together this season, but we had found many nights to ****. Sometimes in the afternoon we had made love quickly. The perfume she had on now was intoxicating. It made me want to take her some place private and have our own celebration.
"You don't need to hog her all to yourself." Liam said with a loud laugh.

"Ser Davos is right," Kit said with a chuckle. "She deserves to be praised. We'll both be lucky if we ever get roles this large ever again. We both need to soak everything in."

"I'll be back, Iain." Emilia said with a grin. "Just work on not being sober."

I watched her walk around the large pub. It was better than the one we had gone to on our date. I turned my attention to Lena who seemed to be having the night of her life unless you really looked into her eyes. Jerome Flynn, who was my friend and her ex-husband, was here and she kept looking out for him. My friend, for his part, made sure to stay away from his ex-wife.

"So what's up for Cersei next?" I asked just to make conversation.

"I'm hoping some especially cruel things to deserving people." Lena replied. "And undeserving ones. I just hope she is evil and irredeemable until the end. If this wasn't Game of Thrones, I'd be worried. What will you be doing until we start filming again?"

"Emilia and I have been discussing her moving in temporarily. If it works out, it works out."

"It's good to take things slow. Don't go in too quick. Love can be overwhelming when you first meet someone, but it can go away over time. Be careful."

"I will."

When Jerome made his way to me, Lena made an excuse to move away from my side. Would that be me if things didn't work out with Emilia? Would my great need to see her turn into a fear? I prayed not. I needed her to be by my side for all time. I couldn't stand the thought of us breaking apart and the pain that would soon follow such an action.

"You've got a good girl." Jerome said while nursing his drink. "Pretty and young."

"She thinks I'm the most passionate lover she's had." I replied with a grin.

"So she's highly inexperienced."

We both laughed loudly at that. We had been friends for many years but I never asked him why things went sour with Lena. It was not my place unless he told me. When love was involved things got complicated. And I didn't want Jerome to ever feel like he couldn't talk to me. The pub was empty except for the cast and a few crew members, so when Jerome and I went to the counter there were no strangers around us.

"What is that drink?" Jerome asked when my drink was put in front of me.

"I have no clue." I replied. "Emilia was drinking it the other night so I decided to try it for myself."

"You are a brave man."

We both watched as Kit ordered another drink and immediately started to drink. Half the drink was gone before he turned to look at us. I pulled out a stool next to me and he sat down on it. I decided to sit with the young actor while Jerome made his way elsewhere in the pub. Kit and I sat in silence for a few minutes as we just enjoyed the atmosphere of the pub.

"I saw the alternate scene." Kit said and sipped his drink. "You and Emilia have a lot of chemistry."

"We weren't really acting." I replied. "Not like we have been during the rest of the series."

"Even outside that alternate scene you two have amazing chemistry. But that prank you pulled showed how much Dave and Dan are wasting keeping both of your characters as only friends."

"I don't think Emilia and my chemistry is the problem. It's most likely the fact that what happens in Martin's books makes it impossible for Jorah to get with Dany. In some ways that is a good story. A bittersweet one that is hard to swallow, but beautiful nonetheless."

"Oh, god, they're talking."

I turned to see who Kit was looking at. It was Rose and Emilia. The pair seemed extremely excited about...something. They turned to look at us and laughed loudly. I raised my glass and, for some reason, this gave Emilia a bad case of the giggles. She was beautiful even when I couldn't make any sense of her.

"And now they're coming over." I teased.

"You know what this means, right?" Kit joked as they walked over. "They will gang up on the two of us."

"You're not afraid of some womenfolk."

"They're powerful demons."

"What was that, Kit?" Rose asked.

"You're the most wonderful woman."
Rose sat beside Kit while Emilia placed herself in my lap. I put my drink down so I could make sure she didn't accidentally fall over. Plus it gave me another excuse to touch her. I wanted to kiss her but found that would be too intimate when out with friends. Not that that Emilia sitting in my lap wasn't sensual.

"Do you think he saved himself, Emilia?" I asked.

"I think he deserves a pass for being so innocent looking." Emilia replied with a chuckle.

"This boy is anything but innocent." Rose said with a smirk. "Iain, what are you drinking?"

"Are you drinking what I was the other night? Oh my ******* god, you are! What do you think? Isn't it great?"

I said nothing and everyone laughed. I wouldn't say I enjoyed the concoction, but no one needed to hear the words come from my mouth to know. My expression had betrayed me and there was nothing to do about it. Peter came over and through his drunken mumbling I heard him talk about the 'alternate scene'.

"It is awesome." Peter said more clearly than before. "What do you think about it, Kit?"

"I think it's reason enough for Jorah and Dany to get together." Kit answered. "It would be unexpected if it finally became a thing on the show. No one will guess what will happen between the two. No one will."

"I'm sure there is an insane fan or two that will guess. Some are already speculating the pair will get together. That was before the whole Iain and Emilia rumors started, by the way."

Peter got on a stool close to me and ordered another drink. I could tell it was one that didn't have a lot of alcohol which must mean he was doing his best to ease his way through the rest of this celebration. After getting his drink he sipped it before looking back at us so he could continue the conversation.

"I think it's way overdue for Dany and Jorah to get together." I said. "Though I doubt the sex scene I have in mind would be suitable for tv."

"It's HBO, Iain." Peter argued. "They'll allow any depravity on their station."

"They won't allow straight up porn on Game of Thrones. There are things I could do that would make the episode impossible to air."

"Emilia, you are a lucky woman."

We spent a few minutes in silence as we drank and looked at the scene around us. A few people were dancing. Even less were dancing well. I remembered dancing with Emilia and feeling her body on mine. I remembered how it had turned me on to the point I had fingered her in public. Probably best not to dance with her now. She turned to look at me and in her eyes I could see her making plans of how to leave this pub as fast as possible.

"So, back to that 'alternate scene'," Peter said. "What if Martin says to not put Jorah and Dany together?"

"Screw Martin, that's what." Kit said and raised his mug. "If he can't see how perfect they are together, that's his problem."

"Oh, come on, you two, you can kiss. We're mature adults here."

"Mature?" Rose asked and raised an eyebrow.
The next minute was taken up ordering new drinks. All of us had come to the sudden realization we had each run out of alcohol. Kit was the one to take the longest to order as he seemed to have forgotten everything he had ever learned. I went back to drinking a Guinness as no one would make fun of me for drinking such a classic.

"You know what's really insane?" Emilia asked. "The fact people want Jon and Dany to get together. Here we have such a great story between Jorah and Dany, but not many are biting. But you take two character who have never met and suddenly people go wild about it. I know fans will be fans, but why is it so important that Jon and Dany get together?"

"And there are some fans who speculate Dany is Jon's aunt which means they're fine with incest." Rose said and shook her head. "I bet those same fans are morally outraged when Jaime and Cersei commit incest. Because, yeah, fans will be fans."

"If Dany is revealed to be related to Jon in the show, I really hope everyone stops shipping them. Or else that's...that's creepy. Just...just no..."

The music was getting better which made me realize how much I had been drinking. Everything was more alive in this moment. My eyes looked downward to Emilia who was perfectly covered and I had to restrain myself from touching her. She looked at me with even more lust in her eyes than before. We wouldn't last long before we would have to leave.

"I am more disturbed by the fact they haven't met than by possible incest." Kit said. "Right now we don't know that incest is happening. We just know that it might. What is happening now is the fact people are excited about a couple who have never met on screen. I'm afraid that if Jon and Dany get together that there will be too much pressure to portray that relationship. That no matter how well the script is written, people will find something to complain about."

"And the fact that this is Game of Thrones would mean we would have to kiss and do a sex scene." Emilia added while shivering. "I just can't act romantic when I know the girl you like is one of my friends. It would be awkward. Here's hoping Game of Thrones will subvert our expectations and not have them get together."

We all cheered to that. I drank as much Guinness in one gulp that I could. Maybe there would be a good love triangle where she finally decided on me. It would be good to end up with her not only in real life but in the show. For now that was the only project we would be working on together. Though after Game of Thrones it could be possible for us to work on another movie or show together. That would be good. Very good.

"Well, I think it's time to go." Emilia said and jumped off my lap.

As we walked out, hand in hand, some of the lewder people cheered us on. Some shouting out profanities that made me and Emilia laugh loudly.

"So, a Jorah and Dany sex scene." Emilia said with a smile as we walked into our hotel. "That would be perfect."

"It'll be hard holding back what I can do." I replied. "I've had sex scenes before, but never with someone I was truly in love with."

"And after filming I bet the sex will be the best we ever had."

I chuckled at that and opened the door for her. She went to sit on the bed and took off her shoes. I shut the door behind me and admired the angel on my bed. She looked at me and started to undress but I stopped her with one finger. Her hands clutched the sheets in anticipation of what would soon unfold.

"I don't think we'll be able to film my version of our characters' sex scene." I said. "But that doesn't mean we have to keep the idea merely in our head."
"No, it doesn't." Emilia breathed.

"How do you want to set the scene, my love?"

We played our parts as my girlfriend. It went to anticipation to full blown lovemaking. Finally it was over. But the roleplaying was not.

"Jorah, you have earned the title of king." Emilia breathed. "You are my king."

"And you are my queen, Daenerys." I said. "Your nights will all be like this one."

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