Tuesday, July 30, 2019

47 Meters Down (Mini-Review)

47 Meters Down was released in 2017 and starred Mandy Moore as Lisa and Claire Holt as Kate. Since the sequel, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, is coming out soon and the the first was out on Netflix, I decided to finally give it a watch.

I'll admit I feel no excitement for shark horror movies. I don't know why but they have never appealed to me. With 47 Meters Down, though, the suspense isn't just from the shark but the whole alien environment Lisa and Kate find themselves in. There is also the personal story that is going on between the two sisters. Though this isn't a high quality movie so don't expect a deep and compelling backstory. Lisa's backstory basically boils down to her and her husband broke up and now she wants to try something exciting to impress him.

From the start of the movie I knew one or both sisters wouldn't survive. I did not look up spoilers beforehand, I just have a sixth sense about these things. And my guess was right. I should have bet with myself.

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