Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Update: To Die For You If Need Be Chapter 22 Has Been Written

I've finished writing the latest chapter of To Die For You If Need Be and will start editing tomorrow at the earliest. All depends on how well I'm doing.

Here's a small unedited excerpt of what to look forward to:

"If he dies then it will be up to me to free her."

"Euron might be a terrifying force, but nothing can match your dragons."

"Unless he has something that can kill them."

"Just because all of Westeros tells stories about his deeds doesn't mean they're all true. He's powerful, but he is still a man."

Men could do horrible things on their own. My father had decided to burn King's Landing to the ground probably because he thought he'd become a dragon that way. Aegon the Conqueror's achievements were legendary as was the body count to make Westeros his own.

It stood to reason, then, that Euron could do something so horrific that it became legend. At least until the Night King took this land for his own. If Theon lost, the thought of Euron suffering a painful death brought me more joy than it should have.

"You're right, my dragons can destroy kingdoms if the wanted." I said. "They would have no problem killing one man and his ilk."

"Ghost would lend his support." Jon said as Ghost's ears flicked briefly. "He's no dragon but direwolves are fondly remembered for a reason."

"If we don't receive another raven from Theon, we'll know he's dead and it is our job to avenge him."

It would feel good to do something instead of just waiting. Waiting was hard but necessary to successfully sitting on the Iron Throne. I had spent too many long years getting to this point to fail now.

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