Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Exploring The Betrayal (Part 14)

I saw Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin. It breaks away from the vast lore of the series so longtime fans might not like it because of that fact. But, honestly, if you're looking for a light horror movie it's a good watch.

Now let's get back to The Betrayal by R.L.Stine!

Part Two

Western Pennsylvania Frontier 1710

Chapter 12

Benjamin Fier starts the chapter off by saying that he thinks that his family is cursed. Oh, if you only knew how your past has caught up with you. You shouldn't have been so obsessed with women practicing the dark arts as you killed a man's family and he has sworn revenge. Not with guns or knives, but with magic. The Fier brother is talking about being cursed while eating dinner.

Edward says that his father is starting to sound like a mean old man. It's taken you this long to figure that out? Benjamin even admits that his son is correct. But I bet Edward still truly believes that his father can do no wrong.

Matthew says that their family can't be cursed as they are so successful. Then Benjamin replies with a fat joke. Because, yep, what Matthew has lost in morality he has gained back in weight. Mary, Matthew's daughter, reprimands Benjamin for making a fat joke about her father. In return Benjamin reprimands Mary for being hot which causes the young woman to blush. Constance then reprimands Benjamin for the insult because, I guess, talking about beauty is a no no?

Edward, still believing that his father is a saint, says that Benjamin had been joking. Because Benjamin would never do anything bad! It isn't like he would burn countless innocent women! Oh...wait...

At least Edward seems to doubt his father's goodness as he asks Benjamin to confirm that he had been joking. When his father finally replies it's to yell at Edward. Really, Benjamin, you didn't hear your son's question? Really? Really?

Matthew changes the subject by reprimanding Rebecca, Edward's wife, for being late to dinner. Something that is very common for the woman. With the Fier family, I don't blame her for always being late. Maybe she has a good side-piece.

Edward says that Rebecca is constantly late to dinner because she is taking care of their son Ezra. Instead of being calmed down by that explanation, Benjamin complains about Ezra. This causes Edward to stand up for his son. Benjamin, who is a devil in human skin, isn't disturbed and merely says that his son doesn't have to eat with them if he is too upset about his comments.

Matthew tries to calm down his brother by saying that they should enjoy their dinner.

Rebecca finally enters while dragging Ezra behind her. He is crying and it's mentioned that he acts younger than he is. Maybe he has a mental disability that will be relevant to the plot? In any case it is some struggle for Rebecca to get her son into a chair.

It's mentioned that Rebecca, who is described as young, was a girl full of life but after living with Edward for only six years her attitude towards life has changed for the worse. Yeah, you can't help but age when living amongst pure evil.

Ezra doesn't want to eat and seems to loathe the fact that he is a Fier. Good for him! One of the smartest characters in this book!

Matthew repeats that there is no way that their family is cursed as the farm is so successful. Benjamin replies that the new shingles lasted only a week before half of them were washed away in a storm. He doesn't think something like that would happen if the family wasn't cursed. Wow...maybe he did believe in all those crazy things he said at the 'totally fair witch trial'.

Edward laughs and says that only a few shingles were lost in the storm. He says that he will examine the shingles after dinner as there should be enough light to do so. Mary then warns him that doing so could be a little more than dangerous. She suggests examining the shingles the following day. Edward then argues by implying she is only worried because Benjamin thinks their family is cursed.

So a creepy old man is listening in on the Fier's dinner. This creepy old man is so excited that the smell of food does not excite him in any manner. The creepy old man is, of course, William Goode. Who is more than slightly unhinged since last we met him. So unhinged that it has been awhile since he had eaten.

William had spent around the last twenty years searching for the Fier family. Now that he has found the Fier family he can finally enact his curse. Surprisingly he had expected his foes not to have aged. He is shocked that Edward has turned into a young man and Benjamin really shows his age. William is more than a little excited that Benjamin is now so weak.

When William sees how fat Matthew has become, he has trouble not laughing out loud. As for the rest of the Fier family, William loathes how expensive their clothing is and also wonders who all the family members are. Because after around twenty years, new people have been added to the family.

To William who everyone is doesn't matter. What matters is that they are all Fiers. And his curse will finally be enacted on all those who bear the Fier name and blood.

I would say he's gone crazy, but he's had his entire family murdered by the Fier brothers. So he has a right. Though I'm sure there will be innocent Fiers that will be collateral damage of the curse. I mean...Ezra doesn't like being referred to as a Fier.

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