Saturday, November 13, 2021

The whispers inside my head

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Bear Medium is a world-renowned psychic and spiritual medium and TV star. This book is a true vision of growing up as a child with psychic abilities and spiritual mediumship. This book is also guidance, teaching, and channelling from my higher self, with information on protecting yourself from negative energy as an empathic or sensitive and information on how to help your child as they are psychic. This book is made by my self, with the experience and understanding is an excellent way for people to understand mental health, depression, anxiety and psychic abilities, putting you in tune with your soul self, furthermore, providing you with help and understanding of the spiritual and psychic world—full awareness of living in a haunted building. Contents included in this book that will guide you through the paranormal experience chapters are, Daddy, there is blood on the ceiling. Inner soul navigation. Psychic babies and children. Running from my self. Do angels exist? What we believe we create. Healer within. Messages from my dreams. Empathy a gift or torment. Do demons exist? Energy vampires.Twin flame. Attuning to transform your relationship. Tapping into hidden knowledge. Ground attune and protect. Closing down energy centres. New soul fragments anxiety and depression. Feeding the soul. Animal soul mates. Is reality an illusion? With workshops I have taken with clients, and their experiences of the topic involved are above. This book is a guide to how psychological behaviour can be mistaken for spiritual awakening and awareness, providing the reader, with ways to progress and understand their spiritual abilities, and packed with solid information channelling from my higher self and also my spiritual teacher to help people further their and their families awareness. Why psychic children and babies need protecting and the necessary guidance. Having worked with adults and children, they need to have the support and guidance I lacked. Lastly, to create a pure spiritual understanding and evolution of self-awareness.

Talking With Bear Medium, World Renowned Psychic and Medium

What was the inspiration for writing The whispers inside my head?

My inspiration for writing this book is to allow people, especially parents with children, who are struggling with mental health or emotional behaviour to understand that there is answers to the questions that even I asked as a child growing up with psychic abilities. It’s allowing my reader to see the psychic awareness connecting to behaviour, thoughts and emotions. The empathy.

I struggled as a child with my abilities, my gifts from the universe, ultimately in my childhood people believed me to have imaginary friends or an imagination that ran wild. I struggled with my emotions, who I could talk to and how to make the ghosts go away.

As in life our biggest inspiration is our own experience, an experience that I now understand as a adult in my mid 30s. It’s a scary time being a child without having psychic and spiritual awareness and not having the support I needed, due to the ignorance of these abilities in society, made my life painfully difficult to grasp. I wish for adults and children who can relate to my experiences to know they are not alone and in time with the right advice and understanding, like me they will look back and see the bigger picture. Inspiration for me is based on growing up in a world I never understood until now.

What was the writing process like for The whispers inside my head?

The title of my book came to me easily. In fact, I knew the title before I wrote the book. I wanted to emphasise my experience, the way I received messages from ghosts/spirits. How it’s easy to believe a thought is your own as a human or a spirit, having a human experience. We are not told about the soul and psychic phenomena growing up, only in movies and books demonstrating the opposite and that all thoughts and feeling our of are own as it’s— I who hear them in my head’ The whispers inside my head, moreover the journey from that title ‘The whispers inside my head’. How my journey began as a child and how people relate from hearing, seeing and knowing or even feeling thing past the human perception.

What music did you listen to while writing The whispers inside my head?

The music I listened to while writing my book was interesting. I didn’t actually think other Authors indulged in music while writing, even though I did. The music is of a mixed genre, beautifully composed songs of metal and piano and vocals. The composer and song writer is Arctic wolves. The composer also made songs that connect to the listener's intuition attuning them to past lives and parallel lives. I also listened to meditation music.

What was your favorite scene in The whispers inside my head to write?

My favourite instruction or scene of my book is the grounding and protection meditation I added which was taught to me by my spiritual teacher. It’s a technique that protects us from lower dimensional energy and negative emotions.

As a spiritual development teacher and psychic I enjoyed working with my clients and psychic children, experiences where children had been diagnosed with ADHD and other behaviour and emotions that need extra support. How they showed so much awareness as psychic children. This astounded me and reminded me of being a child.

Each of us share so much and reflect lessons and understanding for the other to digest and grow from. The true association of awareness is based on acceptance and responsibility.

What was the hardest scene in The whispers inside my head to write?

The hardest thing to re live when writing my book was my childhood, although I can now see that it was lessons to help to grow. Some memories we choose to hide and ignore, whereas mine were there to help demonstrate how each of us can relate in some way to growing up alone with psychic powers. It was re facing the person I no longer recognise from my past. Growth and change for anyone is a journey we never truly forget.

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