Monday, January 27, 2020

The Turning (Mini-Review)

The Turning, an adaptation of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, was released in January 2020. The movie tells the story of Kate Mandell who starts to suspect there is more to her job as a nanny than meets the eye. It stars Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, and Brooklynn Prince. It is directed by Floria Sigismondi.

I was taught in college that The Turn of the Screw was ambiguous and left much room for interpretation about the events that transpired in it. So I went into The Turning knowing that I wouldn't come out of the movie with solid answers.

The other thing I remember about the novella is that it felt like Henry James wanted to see how long he could make a paragraph. Which made The Turn of the Screw hard for me to read.

So how did the movie do with its mystery? I didn't expect the movie's mystery to be without a plot hole or two. To me it does support both Kate being crazy and her being completely sane. Though it does lean more towards one theory than the other.

I liked the slow buildup which lets the viewers soak in the atmosphere. You are able to descend with Kate into hell. You are able to see why she decides not to flee even while yelling at her to just leave.

I went into this movie expecting a 'meh' movie and that's what I got. Did I have a bad time at the theater? No, I had a very good time. Movies don't always have to be great or horrible. There is a middle ground.

I would recommend The Turning to those seeking a horror movie.

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