Sunday, June 30, 2019

At First Love Chapter 7: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

This is a Real Person Fanfiction. In this fanfiction Iain Glen has never been married.

This chapter has been edited due to content. If you want to see the unedited version GO HERE.

"Iain, you don't have to." Emilia said as I continued to help her pack.

The previous night had nearly outdone her first night here. It felt like I had the stamina of a teenager to properly fuck her. She made me feel younger and yet older in some aspects. If things didn't work out with her, then what chance did I have with anyone else? She was more than beautiful, kind, and a good ****. There could be nothing else after her. At least not for me. For the first time in my life it felt painful to be seeing a woman go, even if for just a little while.

"I want to." I replied as her last bit of luggage was in her bags. "It is no trouble, Emilia. Not packing and not driving you."

"I guess I don't want to leave." Emilia said and sat on my bed. "It has been such a pleasant weekend. I knew I would have fun with you, I just didn't realize how much. I don't want this weekend to end because I know what happens next. Those people who hate us being together will just get worse. I've tried to send a few Tweets to reassure those people, but nothing has worked. I don't want to go back to reality after being with you."

"You will always be able to come here, Emilia. There is no reason for me to ever deny you."
I sat beside her and looked into her eyes. Even in sadness there was a strength to her. It was the same strength that had made her work even though she might have died on any given day. Any time could have been my last with her. Luckily that had never happened and now she wanted to be with me. I was her boyfriend and I couldn't be any happier.

"Is this why you never wanted a relationship?" Emilia asked. "I can see why you avoided them. People are too mean."

"Yes," I replied and put a hand on her leg. "But I was wrong to never have been in one. If I hadn't decided to be in one, I would not be with you."

"I would have still been with you can ****."

"But you wouldn't stay with me after some time. There is only so many times you can **** someone before you grew bored. We would have parted ways eventually. Maybe even quickly. Would you have wanted that?"

"No, I wouldn't."

We kissed and I knew we didn't have time to do it properly. But I didn't want to part ways without first seeing her lose herself in the pleasure only I could bring her.

I undid her pants just enough and that one act lead my girlfriend to not see reason.

"Emilia, you kno-" I tried to tell her.

"I don't care." Emilia replied. "You should not have kissed me."

I allowed her to pull down my pants as I didn't want to resist her. This could be the last time we saw each other for months. After today our meetings wouldn't happen frequently. I should relish every moment I had with her.

The moment we were done we got dressed.

"You don't have to do this." Emilia said. "After the past few days you need your rest. I could have someone drive me."

"I thought I had the stamina of a young man." I replied with a smirk as I opened the door for her. "I still have the strength to drive you home."

As she sat down she looked at me as if I were a dream. As if she would wake up in her bed all alone with the memory of being with me, something that would fade away in the daylight. I shut her door and buckled up in the driver's seat. Though I wanted nothing but to make an excuse to not take her back, I started the car.

"It's going to be painful to go to a home without you." Emilia said as the car left my driveway. "I want to get the crying over with as soon as possible."

"I don't want to start crying." I replied.
There weren't many drivers on the road and for that I was glad. It gave me more time to focus on the woman I loved. The woman who would one day be regarded as one of the greatest actresses. She had the talent to rise far above where she was now. She had the talent to be known years after her death. Without thinking I put my hand down and Emilia put hers above it. Her fingers twisting into my own. We gripped each other as if saying good-bye today would hurt us both. Even though the parting was merely temporary.

If we had been dating longer, we could move in together. We wouldn't need to ever part ways except when our jobs pulled us in different directions. We could cook meals for each other. Maybe even fall asleep together after a long day. I smiled at the image of watching a movie and both of us falling asleep. I didn't imagine the lust we felt for each other would ever fade. Younger people might think the libido went away by a certain age, but I was much wiser than that. I would never lose my need to ****.

"We're driving on the right side of the road." Emilia said in an attempt to make conversation. "Being in the US is hard because they don't drive on the right side."

"No, they don't, my love." I replied as I didn't care what we talked about, I just wanted to talk. "Maybe one day they will learn."

"Like that will ever happen. They don't even measure things correctly. So confusing."

Emilia's hand tightened on mine and I squeezed back. This was the only comfort I could give her. I didn't want to see her cry on the drive to her house. I didn't even have to look in her eyes to see the tears forming and how hard she was trying to make sure they didn't come out. If she started to cry I would join her. Neither of us deserved that kind of parting today.

"I'll practice on some new recipes." I said to try to make the conversation less awkward. "There are many ways to cook a good steak. I go by cook books as people will just go on about how they went against the rules to make something edible. Sometimes they're right, but I don't like to take chances."

"And people who write cook books are geniuses?" Emilia asked.

"They're more reliable."

Emilia was right, but I didn't want to let her know that. Of course cook books were mere opinions and not stated facts. But it did reassure me to know that some type of editing had to be involved with them. Unless the book was an indie book. Those were fun to read but I was always more cautious with them.

"What would you like me to make you next time?" I asked.

"Maybe a big breakfast." Emilia said with a smile. "In bed."

"I don't think you could get through the meal if we were in bed together."

"If it meant teasing you, I could."

"My dear Emilia, I've had many more years than you to perfect the art of teasing."

I ran just my thumb over all the parts of her hand it could reach. From our time together I had a good guess on which places would have the most reactions. Very quickly Emilia looked out of the window for a reason we both knew. She must think she could get away from the sensations by looking away from me. She was very wrong. I removed my hand from hers and put it on the steering wheel.

"You need to pull over, Iain." She said and looked at me.

"We both know I can't." I replied with a smirk.

It was already a long drive without us finding a place to ****. Neither of us wanted to leave the other and there was no reason to not extend the trip home. To let her have a pleasant memory of her trip home. But the drive would be tiring for me. I would never admit that to her as it would only make her feel guilty. The point of driving her home was not to instill in her a sense she needed to repay me. Even if she knew how tiring this would be for me, it would not be polite to confirm her suspicions.

"I love you, Emilia." I said.

"I love you too, Iain." Emilia replied.

Her voice was so sweet that I could hardly believe she had decided to date me. Out of all the men she could have, she had decided that I alone fulfilled her needs. Both by what I could do to her in bed and how I could be a shoulder to lean on. I did not deserve her love but I would not reject what was given to me. I was not that kind of foolish.

"It will get harder." Emilia said sadly. "People will continue to judge us for what we mean to each other. The comments from the other day will just get worse. They'll try and shame me for loving you. But I don't care. I love you and won't stop."

"And I'll be here for the days that aren't easy to handle." I promised her. "If you need someone, I will be here. If only to cry to. I am lucky that you love me."

"Why wouldn't I?"
I smiled from the indignity in her voice. She couldn't believe that I would think so lowly of myself. She was young compared to me and so she had more choices than just me. Her youth and beauty could get her as many men as she wished. With my age I attracted more and more women to my side. I had dined heavily and there had been no time in my youth spent wasted. Why was Emilia deciding to settle down without many years behind her?

"Is this about our ages again?" Emilia asked. "Because I don't see a problem. We are two adults that can decide our own fates. I know exactly what I'm getting into and don't need someone else's morality telling me otherwise."

"It doesn't scare you that when I was your age, your parents weren't even considering having you?" I asked. "That if we walked side by side I'd be confused with your grandfather?"

"Why are you saying this? Do you want to break up?"

"No, no not that. I just...I....can't understand how I'm so lucky to have you fall for me. That the first time I truly fell in love, the woman also fell in love with me. It's all too perfect."

"So this is about the fact you've never been in love before."

Her voice was full of relief. She knew that I would never leave her side until she pushed me away. We had gone over where she lived and how to get there before we had started packing. When we passed another street sign, I saw that we were close to her house. Very soon we would be parting ways for a short time. Though that short time seemed extremely long to me.

"Yes, it is." I finally told her. "I am trying to understand what to do and I'm afraid about failing you."

"You're doing a great job." Emilia reassured me.

I was more than happy that she appreciated the hard work and effort I was putting into the relationship. I was trying to balance my usual ways of fucking women and romantic gestures. I knew enough about how to get women to bed me, but I was unaware of what women wanted in a romantic partner. Couples tended to hide the darker parts of a relationship to not shame their partners. So I had no idea what would be the signs if I did the wrong thing. I wouldn't know how to properly react if something did go wrong.

I was certain that Emilia would understand any mistakes I made. Well, as long as I made it extremely clear to her that I wanted this relationship. That I wanted to make her feel loved like never before. That I wanted to be loved by her until my dying days.

"We're close." Emilia said.

"You can call me every night." I told her. "Maybe even send me a picture or two."

"I'm sure I can do better than a picture or two. Maybe a story to make it easier for you."

"Emilia, I just need a picture of you. The rest is easier after that."

"And all I need is to hear your voice to want to **** you."

I gripped the wheel tightly as she said that. To think that I had so much power over this woman that my voice was all it took to get her wet. That meant our talk right now could send her over the edge. If only there was time to stop and make love to her.

"This is it." Emilia said.

"I still have to bring your luggage in." I replied. "And maybe **** you on any surface I can find."

She did know how taxing the driving would be for me. Of course she knew as she had asked me not to drive her home in the first place. But now she was making it more than obvious that she knew exactly how easily I would get to sleep. It would be rude for me to point out her intentions so I merely brought her luggage in.

Her house was small and well taken care of. There was nothing for her to be ashamed of. Nothing was out of place except for a few things. But the small messes didn't take away from the well taken care of look to the place. I wondered if the only reason she decided to visit my house was that would be easier on me.

"Are you sure you have to go now?" Emilia asked with guilt in her voice.

"I'm sure I can rest a little before I leave, if I need be." I replied when I saw her taking off her shirt.


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