Sunday, February 2, 2020

Her Wicked Stepbrother (Mini-Review)

Her Wicked Stepbrother is the first book in Amy Olle's The Nolan Bastards series. This installment follows Brynn as she tries to figure out her more than sisterly feelings towards her new stepbrother Aiden. This book does contain a scene where Brynn is raped, but no penetration takes place, so if that's one of your triggers, avoid this book.

Brynn does not have a good life at all and goes unappreciated by everyone except Aiden. And, to a lesser extent, Cian and Rory. Because both her father and stepmother seem to forget she exists she has to do most of the household chores and even ends up helping with her father's business. There is a scene where her father forgets her birthday that hits a little too close to home. While it's been many many MANY years since my family has mostly stopped remembering my birthday and I don't mind now, with Brynn's viewpoint I was able to experience how much it most have hurt way back when.

I think the reason why Aiden works so well as a love interest is that he is in stark contrast to Brynn's horrible life. And I mean everything in her life is so horrible that you latch onto him because when he's in a scene there's a little bit of hope. Which is actually a good writing technique as you're then able to more easily identify with Brynn.

Brynn also has two other boys competing for her attention. But, since this is a romance, the two other boys have faults that only exist so the reader won't root for Brynn to get with either of them. Kyle is a rapist while the other boy stands her up on a date.

I would recommend Her Wicked Stepbrother to those looking for an angst filled romance.

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