Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fantasy Island (Mini-Review)

Fantasy Island is about a group of people that come to an island that is supposed to fulfill their fantasies. But there is something much more sinister going on. The movie came out in February of 2020. It stars Lucy Hale, Maggie Q, and Portia Doubleday. It is directed by Jeff Wadlow.

This movie is an adaption of the 70's show of the same name. However, this movie changes the genre to horror. I admit not looking anything up about the old television series as I didn't think I would need to know anything about it before seeing the movie. From what revrezner stated after the movie, it could be possible to think of this movie as a prequel to the show. Sort of.

When I heard about this movie I knew I had to see it. It had Lucy Hale and the guy who directed Truth or Dare. Now I didn't think this would be a well put together movie and was only excited because I thought it would be bad. I admit I am a weird person at times.

So is the movie bad?

While I found it to be an enjoyable experience, it is littered with plot holes that makes the film feel like it is barely held together. At first I thought the message of the movie was to be very careful what you wish for because things aren't always what they appear. It is true that was a message but the reveal of the big bad makes that a very minor message.

It felt like the writers decided on the big bad at the very last second. Some of their actions do make sense if they're trying to hide who they are, but at other times their actions don't make sense in the face of the reveal.

I would recommend Fantasy Island to anyone looking for a bad horror movie to relax to.

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