Friday, April 15, 2016

New CafePress Design: Long Live the Queen

For this week I decided to pay my respects to the recently deceased Selene. This week's design has been put into Pets.

This week's design features the most awesome parakeet ever:
Long Live the Queen

Selene was a fighter right up until the point she died. She had seizures and after the first round she did the best she could to stay alive. Me, revrezner, and some others think that she was waiting until Loki had new cagemates so that she wouldn't leave him with no other birds to turn to. Up until the end she was looking out for him. The night she died she realized that that night was the time to go as Loki would have Peep and Lemon to turn to.

After turning to my phone, had revs on speaker phone, and turning to me she left this world seeming to smile. Her pain was over with and she had left the ones she cared about in the best condition she could.

Long live the queen!

You can get this design and others HERE.

If you have suggestions for future designs, please tell me in the comments below.

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